What are We?

Day 2,429, 12:47 Published in USA USA by J.A. Lake

Hello Comrades,

While pondering the status of the average eAmerican player and the condition of our society, I came to an interesting question.

Is our society fascist?

To answer this question, we must examine the noxious ideology of fascism and its core tenets, and compare them to our situation.

1) Nationalism: the exhortation of the virtue of a single state or people over all others. This sounds very familiar. Everything you are instructed to do by the government is for the eUSA, or eAmerican security, or to keep other people out unless they are cleared by the government. Everything we do is for a predetermined notion of what an “eAmerican” is.

2) Totalitarianism: the state holds total authority over all matters public and (whenever possible) private. This one is a dead-ringer for the eUSA. What do we do that isn’t state-sanctioned? If you approve a citizenship request they don’t mull over, you are blacklisted. If you say something in Congress that they don’t like, you are censured. If you do something in-game deemed against the desires of the state, you are censured and blacklisted. The state controls all, and that which it doesn’t control is excluded from the operation of the state.

3) Single-Party State: only one party has the right to form the government. This is harder to prove either way. On one hand, you see clearly that there are tens of political parties in the eUSA. That would seem to automatically disprove this tenet of fascism. However, individuals have gone on record in the past as saying that the eUS Government is composed of specific agents from specific parties: the USWP makes up the head of the executive branch, the Federalists run the bureaucracy, and the other parties "don’t matter." That shows that the USWP and Feds are really part of the same organization (a singular party?) that works to dominate the country.

4) Cult of Personality: the use of media and communications to build the image of a heroic, selfless, and/or omnipotent leader. This one is also hard to prove in any conclusive fashion. The eAmerican cult of personality doesn’t follow any one individual, but a group of them that form an exclusive revolving-door cast of leaders.

5) Dictatorship: political authority is monopolized by an individual or political party, and opposition is oppressed. This goes hand-in hand with totalitarianism, however barring breaking the game true dictatorship is impossible, as democracy is always a possibility. At the worst, a dictatorship would involve a collusion of Congress and the President and last a month before voters tossed most of them out.

6) Militarism: the belief that a strong military must be maintained and used to promote national interest. This is one of those things that is extolled as a virtue of the eUSA: we have a well-organized government military, according to the leadership. It is sworn to do the bidding of the government unquestioningly (as their predecessors have been excoriated for disobeying an immoral order, the current military is likely firmly lashed to the executive). It is also used to batter countries for “national security reasons” and to harvest resources from weaker neighbors.

7) Imperialism: seizure of lands and resources from other peoples, in an effort to raise and support an empire. Canada. Cuba. Japan. France. The eUSA actively seeks out and destroys nations that cannot stand up to her might for their resources. The endgame is to establish an Empire, gaining more resources for that nation at the expense of many other peoples.

It would seem to this author that our country's form of government is fascist in nature, though not totally so. Some elements of fascism are impossible to achieve due to the game's mechanics. The best name for it may be a pseudo-fascist oligarchy/plutocracy.

Given our analysis of the tenets of fascism, what do you think? Is the eUnited States a fascist society? If not, what is it?

Until next time,
Comrade J.A. Lake

Join the struggle, comrades!