Wellness - The Basics

Day 514, 02:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

First I would like to draw your attention to the eUK Home Office, which runs a helpline that is there to answer any questions any one may have concerning any aspect of eRepublik or our own government system or structure. I encourage you to simply ask and we will answer promptly, we are here to help you.

It also releases imortant information concerning various issues, so I recommend you add it as a friend and subscribe to the paper.


You lose wellness if you have no food in your inventory for that day. The amount you lose increases the higher your wellness is (Eg. if you have 10 wellness you lose 1, if you have 90 wellness you lose 4).

You also lose 1 wellness everytime you train, 10 wellness everytime you fight and lose the Q of your company each time you work (Eg. 1 for Q1, 3 for Q3).

At low levels it is relatively easy to maintian and increase wellness. However, with the new Wellness Fast programme many will be launched into the high 80's and 90's where it is not so easy to maintain and very hard (expensive) to increase.

At 90 wellness Q1 food doesn't increase your wellness by 1 but by 0.6, at 70 by 0.8. Provided you have some food, if you train and work (in a Q1 company) you lose 2 p/day. If you buy Q2 food at 90 wellness you will only gain 1.2. Once you start working in higher Q companies it is highly recommended you invest in a house. A house basically adds to the food quality every day (Eg. you buy Q1 food daily and own a Q2 house, the food you eat each day is Q3). Houses remain in your inventory and move with you, they never run out.

The idea is that it's harder to get better when you're already very well.


Use that address (can't seem to get the link to work) to get a good wellness calculator to give you an idea of what you need to maintian or gain wellness. Please use it to work out what you need per day.

Wellness affects not only the amount of damage you do in a fight but also your productivity at work - get it as high as you can and your employer will love you for it. NHS regional clinics are in charge of maintaining everyone’s wellness.

Read this to find out how the NHS clinics help you. It also contains a list of all the regional clinics. Add them as a friend and send them a message requesting to be put on the Wellness Fast programme (if eligable - read the article, it will explain).

I hope this helps explain a few basics, if there are any questions please ask the Home Office.

Many thanks,