We have WON | MadelineJoshua in Congress

Day 1,734, 04:36 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by MadelineJoshua

Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno

Good morning citizens of eSwiss Confederation ,

I have an important message for you

We recovered our regions , we will have a Congress , but at what cost and in what circumstances ? Republic Of Macedonia ( FYROM ) offered our freedom from Croatia in return of a region . Nowadays we must buy our freedom from our allies ?

"Apart from that Macedonia has promised that our regions will be protected by them for the congress elections."

As I recall from an article Croatia was NE'ed by 3-4 countries . First of all it was never about our freedom, it was about erasing Croatia . Secondly : After Croatia's kick out of our regions and Austria's regions we would have no immediate danger to be conquered , being surrounded by allies .

"considering all the Pro’s and Con’s of the deal, we have decided to accept"

Switzerland looses -20% production bonus and 10 Congress seats .
Republic of Macedonia gains 40% production bonus .

Switzerland production bonus :
Food : +40%
Weapon : 0%

Republic of Macedonia ( FYROM ) production bonus :
Food : +100% (max)
Weapon : +80%

Do we really have allies or are we just an instrument for countries with higher fire power ?

Did we really get our freedom back ?


Than to lie us
that you want us
Our lands for you to take
You better leave
And we stop
It will hurt us less

The Congress elections are coming and I am participating for a seat from Romandie region . Vote for a strong and respected Switzerland , vote for MadelineJoshua in Romandie .

I will represent Swiss Liberal Party by the good will of our Party President mungos95 . Our political affiliation is not important , because only if we work together and collaborate we will keep our integrity and freedom .

I wish good luck to my "opponents" and I encourage all citizens of our nation to vote on 25th of August .

Have faith , Destiny is with us .