Vote orangejuicemmm for PP of the Irish Republican Party.

Day 663, 07:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Hi, Members The Irish Republican Party.

I would just like to take a moment of your time with a small article to ask for your vote in the up and coming Party President Elections.

Why Should you vote for me?

Well I am the Co Founder of the party, I was there from the beginning and watched it grow from 0 to 18 members in just a couple of days with minor recruiting efforts. I helped new members of the party with any difficulties they were having in the game to the best of my ability and i contrabuted greatly to the activity of the forums

I encourage free speech and try to implement everyones ideas(with realisticality) and encourage activity in all areas of erepublik be it politics or military or just the social aspect of the IRC.
Also Padraig_Pearse and I set up an IRC channel for the The Irish Republican Party: #TheIrishRepublicanParty

So Vote for me in the up and coming elections. I will Listen to all your Ideas and involve you in as much as i possibly can.

Proud member of The Irish Republican Party
(no matter what any one says about Padraig_Pearse lol)