Vote Nixon for Congress in Colorado!

Day 1,002, 18:42 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

Hello fellow Americans. I've decided to run for Congress in the great state of Colorado! This time through the American Defense & Trade Party (ADTP). I'm a very active citizen and I know I can make a great contribution to the United States Congress. Here is my platform.

My experience
I have served in a number of positions throughout my erepublik career. I've been the President of the Republican Party, a US Ambassador, and I'm currently a member of Model Congress.

I've also served in numorous Republican Party positions( anywhere from Vice President to Legal Director), was a Squad Leader for a short time in EZ Company, and I'm now the Vice President of the Republican Party Leadership in-exile (The true Anti-Ajay Republicans).

My economic plan
I support the ADTP and their efforts to keep import taxes low. We need to ensure that our allies can provide vital products and materials to us when we are at war and other times of high demand. This will be especially important with the increased demand of food due to the change in game mechanics allowing citizens to consume multiple amounts of food each day.

However I do support embargos on countries that take advantage of our free trade while they continue to keep import taxes high. Free trade is a two way street. We can't allow countries to take advantage of our low import tax if they don't return the favor.

My thoughts on the military
If elected to congress I want to work with the military to ensure that they are properly funded and equipped to adapt to the new realities of v2. I do not believe that Senators should be trying to micromanage the military and the power should be in the hands of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Exexutive Branch.

However If elected to congress I want to work with the military to ensure that they are properly funded and equipped to adapt to the new realities of v2. I would also support funding of well organized militias such as EZ Company and Seal Team 6.

My foreign policy
If elected to Congress I will support working with EDEN and our fellow Broalliance nations. Although I do not support joining re-joining the EDEN alliance (as I feel we should remain independent).

I feel that continuing our relationship is important to the success of both parties as the US has a goal of liberating our allies from Phoenix countries and EDEN has the goal of completely destroying Phoenix. I also feel that strengthening our relationships with our fellow bros (especially Canada) is necessary to our national security and a show of good will.

Please send me a pm if you are willing to move and vote for my campaign as I will send you moving tickets.