Vote for Vootsman on March 5th

Day 4,853, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party
Vote Vootsman, Then Join the Revolution!
Socialist Freedom News Feed - Day 4854 our Comrades! our Friends! our Enemies! our Frenemies! all the Citizens of the e-USA!

We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace, and the norms and notions of what “just” is isn’t always justice.
We lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us.
We are striving to forge our union with purpose.
So while once we asked, ‘How could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?’ now we assert, ‘How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?’
We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be.

SFP Endorses Herr Vootsman for President

* Herr Vootsman, of the Federalist Party, won the SFP Primary by a unanimous vote.

* His agenda is a reasonable one and it synchs up with general SFP sentiments and directions in several areas, including...

- Encouraging focus on air combat.
- Continuing to support tax wealth redistribution programs.
- Freedom-socialist advisors in education, economics and defense.
- Supports development of a National Co-op.

The Vootsman cabinet is multi-partisan. It is clearly designed to reduce the level of vitriol and divisiveness promoted from the top by a few smelly characters during the previous administrations. This would be a welcome change, especially as the country prepares for possible invasion in the wake of the scandal affecting many Asterian tanks.

The black cat of international solidarity

Forward to the World Revolution!
For Dual Power! For the Mass Line!

The Socialist Freedom Party, a revolutionary anarcho-syndicalist group, recognizes that electoral politics are only one tool. Our vision is not to simply about winning elections. We seek to transform the New World entirely.

We are continuing to forge new and stronger relationships with other far-left parties around the world, as well as with any and all communities and groups within the e-USA who seek a better e-world.

We continue to strive to do our part to make eRepublik a lively and engaging space that sparks happiness not only by pushing the Deploy button, but also by "making our own songs", forging friendships, exploring new ideas, pursuing a unique vision of what the game could be.

On March 5th, vote Vootsman for CP.

Then -- until our Cephalopod overlords fix this dang game once and for all -- join the SFP in moving forward to the World Revolution!