Vote for The Future of eSA

Day 1,962, 18:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

It's no secret that our government failed this past month. A lot happened to built up to this point. We have just had some terrible leadership recently. An innactive and uninspired congress, leaders who refuse to keep citizens informed and involved, to presidents who sign away our liberty in exchange for gold.
So while you see a lot of people pointing their fingers at Grimstone and his ultimate failure to keep eSouth Africa a free and independent nation, we must not look back at this horrendous past month; we must look forward to the future and elect leaders who aren't afraid.
Yes, dear friends, now is not the time to cower. Now is the time when, whether the government likes it or not, we actually have a say. Now is when we can stand up and say "No more!". For too long have the aristocratic elite used our eLives as their own personal pawns, moving us around, selling our swords, our lands, our very freedoms to other countries.
We need to put eSA first. We need to put ourselves first. No longer do we make decisions based on what eBrazil wants or how Turkey is doing in some battle thousands of miles away.
This does not mean we isolate ourselves though. No, this means we become even more inclusive. We need to open our country up to those who seek shelter.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door. "
This is a change from the past in which we keep out the random vagrants and only let in groups of "trusted" people. The kind of people that currently pose a mjor threat to some of our less-populated political parties.
By being inclusive, we only stand to grow in size and in character.
It is time we built South Africa into the cosmopolis it deserves to be.
We all have the chance to change things and turn them for the better.
Vote for change
Vote for Enbaros

Election info:
Candidate Articles-
Cody Caine
Grimstone thinks he's too good to have to release articles, as usual
