Vote Armour in Sask

Day 1,311, 18:39 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144


I’m running for it.

(Yes, that was awful, just awful, but I really couldn't avoid putting it in. I had to, you know? As if there was a higher power telling me to put it in, that it would bring good luck. Do you know that feeling? Do you? I sure don't. I have no idea what I'm talking about actually. Let's get on with the actual platform shall we?)

For the upcoming congressional elections, I’m representing Saskatchewan.

Now some of you may not know how I am, or have never heard of me, so here’s some background info:

Current Member of the CAF
Former Lt. in the CAF
Former CAF PR Head
Officer of the Order of Military Merit
Current Ambassador to Norway and Brazil
Former NWT Congressman
Ran the government Shinra companies for a month
Writer with numerous articles with 100+ votes
Been around since day 305, that’s Pre-V1 Beta

That’s what I can think of off the top of my head, so here’s some reasons why you should vote for me.

1. I’m not a 12 year old troll who wants to earn a few gold from winning elections
2. I have been in a position with access to lots of valuable things (Shinra)
3. I have been put in charge of things (I.e. a platoon)
4. Been a devoted, hard-hitting soldier for the CAF for over a year and a half
5. I’m not afraid to express my opinions on issues, and I will fight for what I believe in
6. More experience with eRepublik that most of you can shake a stick at
7. I’ve actually never understood that saying, as I know no limits of stick shaking
8. Why wouldn’t you vote for me?

So what would I plan to do if elected?

Well, being a military man, I would do all I can to keep funding high for the CAF. Having a strong army is important not only for our own national defense, but also on the world stage to defend our Allies and Bro’s.

Also, I would promote the attraction of foreigners to eCanada, as you can never have enough citizens.

But, perhaps the most important thing, use common sense. I will not vote on a proposal without considering both sides. I will not vote for a decision because it would benefit me personally, but only if it benefits all of eCanada.

So, people of Saskatchewan, now is the time to elect a well-trusted, non-corrupt, logical, experienced, loyal, attractive, sexy, person who is not afraid to dig right into a debate and express my opinion. So, on the 25th, vote for Armour144 representing EPIC

P.S. For those of you who give into peer pressure, you should vote for me because this squirrel is voting for me. You’re only cool and hip if you do what that squirrel does. Everyone knows that.