Day 564, 16:14 Published in Serbia Serbia by MZS HLEB

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"Danas se u Sumadiji i okolini desio nesvakidasnji dogadjaj. Da li zbog lepog vremena ili zbog jednostavne zelje da pomognu gradjanima eSrbije, nekoliko poznatih filmskih faca se pojavilo i licno ucestvovalo u izradi i deljenju hleba gladnom i izmucenom stanovnistvu nase zemlje. Medju prvima se pojavio Orlando Bloom i doneo brdo psenice za nase vredne i nadahnute pekare.

Poznati glumac je licno ucestvovao u pregovorimo oko nabavka materijala ali i u njegovom istovaranju. Nekako po zavrsetku istovara pojavio se i Josh Holloway i skinuvsi majicu pokazao kako mu nije namera da nemo posmatra dogadjaj vec je prionuo u izradu hleba.

Mesio je i mesio i mesio dok ga nije izmesio 😉 Nakon sto je stavio hleb da se pece ostao je jos nekoliko sati i delio autograme zainteresovanim devojcicama. Jos jedna poznata faca se pojavila bas u momentu kada je hleb bio spreman za isporuku - glavom i bradom Huge Jackman!!!

Pored glumca vrele Australijske krvi i sveze ispecenog hleba moglo je da bude samo vruce - po defaultu 😛 Poznati glumac je delio hleb i proveo sate u caskanju sa nasim gradjanima, uveravajuci ih kako ce njihov kongres uskoro biti oslobodjen i kako ce sve opet doci na normalu.

Ova informacija nije potvrdjena, ali nekoliko gradjana je tvrdilo kako je i Johnny Depp vidjen u obliznjoj kafani "Pucan" kako on i LOWRENCE u debeloj hladovini ispijaju pivo i nadgledaju akciju.

Toliko za sada, do neke druge prilike budite mi pozdravljeni."

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310 komada hleba je podeljeno danas, hvala svim zenama koje su podrzale jucerasnju akciju, nadam se da cete i danas uzivati 😉

LOWRENCE V.D. Ministra Zdravlja

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Stanje donacija ulaz-izlaz:

Stvari & Novac:

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MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
Shmajser has transfered 1 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 7 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 8 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 6 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 9 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 6 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
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MUP Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
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Ministarstvo ekonomije Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
Ministarstvo ekonomije Srbije has transfered 10 products to your inventory.
dragojlo2 has transfered 5 RSD to your account.
Order of St. Sava has transfered 1.55 RSD to your account.
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