USA attacks Hungary

Day 688, 16:41 Published in USA USA by Blanemcc

Saskatchewan has been attacked by the USA yet again, and at the time of writing this, the region is 17k into the underground.

The timing is perfect: Attacking Hungary now means most are asleep, so the US should be able to build up a good lead before the Huns scramble out of bed. The battle will also end tomorrow at the same time tomorrow, allowing us to catch the Hungarians dozing...quite literally.

The question must be asked though: Why Saskatchewan? Shouldn't we have hit Washington?

I believe we may have attacked here first so that we can give our Canadian brothers as many regions as possible in order to make them stronger still. I see the US going after many more Hungarian controlled Canuck territories in order to give our brothers as much strength as possible before we launch a combined strike on Washington and Alaska. Pure speculation of course.

I'm sure the President will clear this up shortly. I'm not a mind reader.

Til then. Fight, heal, repeat. You know the drill by now.
