Updating the war module (Idea)

Day 668, 00:32 Published in USA Paraguay by SATZU

This idea may have been told earlier and I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have told it to the admins few times if I remember correct. There is also another choice if my first idea isnt good enough.

Currently the module favors the attacking side too much. And it is practically impossible to get on the offensive unless the attacking president gets banned, or loses internet connection, or something really dramatic happens. The module is made that the attacking country doesnt even have fight in those battles, as long as they open a new one before all the others end. The module goes 90-10% to attacker, defending country can only get the initiative if they have only 1 region left, or if they manage to retreat and attack, which doesnt work that well because it has few bugs that slow down retreating and attacking (I am referring back 1-2 days).

I will explain next how the war module works at the moment and how my suggestion would work.


Country A attacks country B.
Country A opens new attack after 12 hours gone.
Country B wins the first attack.
Country A opens new attack after 12 hours from the second attack.
Country B wins the second attack also
Country A opens fourth attack 12 hours after the third one.
Country B wins that also, attacker keeps the initiative even though they dont win a single attack.

My suggestion:

Country A attacks country B.
After 12 hours Country A attacks country B again.
Country B wins the first attack, country A has 24 hour block before they can attack again, unless they win the second attack.
Here can happen 2 different things.
1) Country B wins the second attack and wins 24 hour initiative, and can attack Country A
2) Country A wins the second attack and wins the 24 hour initiative back, and they can keep on attacking Country B

Even though the second one works almost like the Current module, it makes it more important to Country A to win attacks, and not just open open open open new ones.

My suggestion on the module would make it possible to Country B not only to get offensive by fighting but give a change to get on the offensive without worrying about if retreats work. (I dont want to accuse admins, but sometimes bugs occure)

So my suggestion to make it simple, is to make every battle give the initiative. Even though Country B couldnt attack back before they have won all the attacks.

Other choice is to make it possible for each country to attack each others at the same time which would look like this:

Country A attacks Country B.
Country B counter-attack Country A 12 hours later.
There would be no initiative and it would make it more realistic because in real life if your country gets attacked you can attack back in the same place (defend) or some other place also (counter-attack). It would make the wars more dramatic, and tacticians would have more work to think how many battlefields can they keep open to win and not to lose the whole war.

What I am trying to say is that the current module favors too much the attacker and my suggestion would make the wars more interesting and there would be more turns in them.

So everyone who thinks my suggestions are good, please vote this article.


PS. I wouldnt mind a subscribe.