Uncertain Party Members

Day 666, 06:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Dear Uncertain Party Members of Ireland,

Im writing this Article as PP of the newly founded Irish Republican Party(Suitable names are in the making 😛).

I ask you all today to give the Irish Republican Party a chance, To come and get active in our forums and/or in our IRC channel.

Theres no point settling in a party that doesn't match your ideals, or a party which doesn't listen to what you have to say, or criticises you for making a comment in what you believe in eg Wanting Northern Ireland back.

Maybe you have no interest in politics like I once had, and you are just following the trend by residing in a party with a more members but I urge you now to give the Irish Republican Party a chance, maybe for a week, maybe for fortnight or a month but just give us a chance and see how you like it.

Thank you,

Also to all those Irish republican Party members who voted for me, Thanks very much.
And to Kikeal if you are active at all hard luck you did suprisingly well >.>

Party President of the Irish Republican party