Toward Unity

Day 1,419, 12:02 Published in Canada Canada by Ralph Kline

The merger of the CSD and CPP has been a great success. The CPP is now the number #1 ranked political party in the nation and the CSD Military Unit remains a consistent 2nd in the rankings. We have achieved part of what was hoped, but not all, yet.

Part of what troubles this country is that we split ourselves into factions. Not even so much along political lines, but along social lines. Oddly enough, we all seek the same things, really. Yet there are divisions based simple competition. The thought being " I don't like your method and so I'll go this way ".

I think this may partly because all lot of us share similar personality traits, as much as we probably hate to admit it. After all, we all play this game together and there must be something we have in common that brings us back to it day after day.

To that end, today I thought that we have all these different Military units going in the country. Communication is an issue and frankly, it's costing us on the battlefield.


I propose the CSD become a regiment of the CAF
This would allow the CAF to greatly improve it's power on the battlefield and eliminate communication issues. CAF would direct all fighting done by the members of this regiment.
We would retain the right to decide who belongs to the regiment, who is the captain of the regiment, who gets additional supplies (Q5's) beyond what a CAF soldier would get normally. Also retaining the right to dictate political affiliations to those who receive special supplies. This of course would now be capped at 50 members, the maximum of a regiment.

I know this is a long shot, but I think it's a good deal for the parties involved. The best benefit is for the country actually. A few of us that don't mind putting some money into the game can improve the game for many, and we are not really asking for much.
I would invite the other MU's to consider the same and CAF High Command to look to the future.