Topdop advances to Level Twenty on his first day?

Day 1,846, 04:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Topdop

Topdop advanced to Level Twenty on his first day. The first question most have asked about this feat is how he was able to do it. This article will show you.

1. You must continue fighting even if you think you will deplete all of your energy. Until level twenty, this rumour is not true.
2. Don't base your tutorial solely on the missions. They can help you to a point, but the Iron Mine especially throws you off track.
3. Convert some of your gold earnings into currency. This will only be to your benefit in the long run.
4. Even when you think you have no food, do not give up, as your rank rapidly advances as well. Thanks to this, you have such a thing as an Energy Bar, which refills your energy by 100.
5. Buy the highest quality weapons you can with the currency you convert from gold. These get you more Bazooka parts, which this newspaper will elaborate on in a different article.
6. Finally, join a military unit. They will guide you to a battle that's easy to fight in, but challenging enough to advance your rank, experience level, and your funds.

Written by Topdop, who resides in London.