Today Marks a New Era

Day 836, 20:32 Published in USA USA by Chris Stanwick

I want to take a moment to congratulate our new President of the United States, PigInZen, and thank our outgoing President, Josh Frost, for his service. We should also take a moment to thank the Frost administration for their work over the last month, wrapping up the end of the UK invasion, negotiating a peaceful agreement with India over Karnataka, and collecting and analyzing a massive amount of economic data for Congress. February was a successful month for all intents and purposes and they deserve our thanks.

PigInZen has secured the American election now, and is forming his Cabinet for another exciting month. Anything can happen this month: new wars could crop up in unlikely places, a compromise tax bill could pass through Congress, V2 could be implemented, or anything else. That's the beauty of eRepublik, we often don't have any clue as to what lies ahead.

Congratulations on your election, PIZ. I have high hopes for your administration.

-Chris Stanwick