The UKPP; Best Party on Earth

Day 1,846, 13:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Nick Griffin

The UKPP Can Offer You The World

The UKPP is one of the most Progressionist Party's in the 'New World'. We have grown from a seed of 4 or 5 members into a party of 300, based on an ideology of offering newer players a chance to put forward their ideas. If you're a UKPP member you could be the next Country President. You could be a Congressman or the next Party President. You could help organise our Military Unit; Royal Navy, or even be its Admiral...

The Potential for YOU is limitless.

You only need to GET INVOLVED. JOIN the PARTY. JOIN the NAVY. JOIN our CHAT ROOM. BECOME and influential member and become somebody. Help us to help the country.

You may be reading this, infact, you may have stopped reading this after the first sentence. You could be a 2-clicker. Playing the game on a shoe-string... voting, working, fighting, and logging off. Don't you fancy a bit more excitement? Do you have a bit more time on your hands? Don't you want to meet the people who make the eUK tick?

After all, anything is possible in this game if you simply put your mind to it. You simply need to make a name for yourself. Whether you're a child-sex-offender like Helpmeslack, or a Polish bodybuilder like Kamoris... you'll find a place in the eUK. You just have to put that extra effort in!

Above: LaurenTaylor, legitimate UKPP member.

Join Us!

Join the Royal Navy

Join the UKPP


UKPP Royal Navy

Sir Nick Griffin,
Minister if Home Affairs,
Or something...