The Show Must Go On!

Day 2,946, 18:30 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Issue #113

If I win the upcoming election; it will be the greatest achievement of my eCareer. It's all downhill from here, so I'm using the opportunity to focus on the future of our collective.

Party Programs
Today we discussed our party's fringe benefits and welfare programs to see if we can maintain them and add one more.

We have Tanks for Tots, Rainy Day Food Reserve Initiative, Build a Bear and Communes. All of which have logistical and financial challenges that need to be assessed.

Revolutionary Committee
Revolutionary Committee is the governing body of the party. There are two requirements for membership; #1 you are a SFP member and #2 you ask.
(I'm just putting it out there.)

Vice President to be Hoss1965.
Secretary General would be EddieA.
Kevin Sheridan for Councilor.
J.A.Lake as our Spokesperson.

Voting members are (Maybe);
Frank Stone
Kevin Sheridan
James Schubert
Stan Brown

I want to pass the writer's guild chair to J.A.Lake. It's the most comfortable chair in the SFP and I'd like for him to stay a while.
EdgarFigaro is supplying food, tanks and coordinating BAB.
We've got PilotPhil commanding the Bear Cav.
Hoss1965 is providing housing to the commune workers.
I'm, acting, treasurer.

Thanks to thank everyone that helps with the party programs. You are community builders.

Survey Results
Although the results of the poll were unexpected the turnout was overwhelming. SFP members are logging on more than others and the SFP members are saying that they like this game.

Here are the results:

#1. What are your feelings about a defensive dictator, in the eUS?

A. We need a dictator as a safety net and the consequences are minimal.
7 total
B. I'm not sure how that works.
6 total
C. It's an attempt to consolidate power and remove political unorthodoxy.
21 total
Abstain: 3

#2. How do you react to the blacklisting of 20 SFP members who were following executive orders?

A. We can't have people that, openly, defy us. It was necessary to our cause. 3 votes
B. I don't know much about it.
8 votes.
C. Finding means to exclude active citizens is harmful to our community.
26 votes

Do you use eUS forum; Yes or No.

yeses: 14
Noes: 17
5 members said that they used to but they've quit.

The survey included many suggestions, a couple of, "I don't cares," and a write-in vote for beer. It shows that most people don't want dictatorship.
What was not as decisive as I thought, was our opinion of the forum. It's, nearly 50/50. Maybe I need to rephrase the question.

I still need to discuss what's to be done. Mostly, my focus is on upstart citizens, but I don't think the two conflict.
The burden upon us isn't upon one man or 51 congress members. At hits us all; at home. The masses should mandate legislation. not a 2D entity.
Maybe, in my blatant disregard for the establishment's rules; we will stumble upon some innovations. Maybe, I'm crazier than the nyan cat.
One things for sure; the price of popcorn will go up. I hope you will stick around.

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history!