The Scandinavian war - Analysis

Day 915, 14:56 Published in Germany Sweden by Panama

Hello fellow German citizens of the new world. I work as a war-correspondent for the eUK war department and got the mission to write an analyze about the ongoing Scandinavian war. Please note that this is the official newspaper of the war department and thus the official thoughts of the eUnited Kingdoms government.

The history
Many have feared them, most ones are still afraid of them. People have throughout the history tried to invade them, but no one in the history, no one in nearly 1000 days, have succeeded. Of course I am talking about Scandinavia, and their capital country Sweden.
I ask myself, will eDeutschland (hereafter eGermany) have the guts to give it a real try?

The German history is filled with defeats mainly in wars against their superior empire Sweden, but have times changed? Every single citizen of the eWorld remembers the war between Norway and Russia. How the quick, intelligent and superior scandinavs used the feared tactic of region swapping against Russia that crushed even a rich president named parter.

The rich st00r and the disco army consisting of Lurviantor, Hador and Lonestar are still going strong despite their attempts of suicide due to their flawless intelligent which made them crazy. But due to the fact that eGermany have got their asses kicked out of the eWorld so many times (Remember shoot and the polish invasion) it must be embarrassing to call yourself a German citizen but still with eGermany’s numerous failed attempts of an invasion of ze fort Scandinavia, I’m still not sure if they now have what it takes to push the button.

The eSwedish disco army at war.

eGermany, are you up for it?
These soldiers are no farmers. The eScandinavs are trained to kill anything with lederhosen and a red-yellow-black flag. The important thing to know is how to kill a scandinav, and how to push the button to Scania, Sweden. To be honest, I don’t think eGermany are up for it, because the whole world is watching, and a failure would drive the reputation of eGermany down to the bottom. The truth is that eGermany doesn’t have a chance against eScandinavia, and I think that eGermany, as the world, realizes that.

To honor this day I will take some of my time to do a shoutout to the military elite unit of eGermany, Tokio Hotel – Go get em’

The elite unit of eGermany - Tokio Hotel

Official war-correspondent of eUnited Kingdom