The Republicans have returned

Day 1,129, 08:03 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

My friends it is with great pleasure to announce the return of the Republican Party to active American politics. For those of you who are unaware, the Republicans have been one of the interesting, controversial, and longest lasting political parties in the eUnited States. The party traces its roots back to the original party which was formed in October of 2008 around the end of beta. It’s survived in one form or another since then with different levels of activity. We’ve suffered through numerous PTO’s and attacks on our party, but we’ve still managed to prevail. Now we’re back and more determined than ever.

While our party numbers are still low due to the reformation of our domestic party over the last few months, we’re quickly reforming our infrastructure and our membership. We’ve taken control of the sixth ranked party in the United States, which was our original party, and we’re looking forward to expanding our numbers. Some of you may be wondering what the Republican Party stands for. Well here’s our party platform. 🙂

Sovereignty of sixth parties and the discouragement of domestic PTO’s
As many of you are aware, the Federal government has a record of discouraging sixth parties on the basis of “national security”. This is a stance that the Republican Party does not support. We feel that the independence of each party should be respected and the monopoly of top five parties should be dissolved.

We believe that the United States has been experiencing a stagnation which can be contributed to the use of the federal government and the top 5 parties PTOing and destroying any party which may pose a risk to the current political establishment. The effective banning of sixth parties from increasing its membership reduces what democracy we have left in America.

Any active party which does not pose a threat to the security of the nation should not be interfered with by either the United States military or any other domestic party or political organization. If we do not allow change smaller parties to rise up and challenge larger parties, we will be stuck in a state of stagnation that will continue to threaten our country.

Lower taxes and a free market economy
The Republican Party advocates a slightly reduced income tax that puts more money in the hands of the taxpayers and allows an expansion of the free market. We feel that with the recent economic and military changes our economy and nation as a whole can benefit from a reduced income tax.
Now that the new rule changes allow citizens to be employed in a foreign country, the United States will be put at a severe disadvantage with lower wages compared to nations such as Poland, Romania, and Taiwan. Tax evasion will become more severe from our citizenry and the United States will eventually experience a decrease in government funds.

We also support the continuation of free trade with our allies. We must realize that our country’s economy is based largely around war and that a steady and consistent stockpile of weapons must be available to our citizens. As studies have shown, our free trade economy allows for competition in our domestic market which creates lower prices for our populace. If we raise our import taxes, we run the risk of making our weapons and food prices unsustainable for a large number of our citizenry and may severely hurt retention in our country.

Fiscal responsibility and the streamlining of our government
Our party aims to trim the federal government and reduce spending on programs such as Meals on Wheels and Arm America. While we do understand that Interior Departments such as these are vital to our retention, we also feel that there is too much wasteful spending in these programs.

We support a stricter limit in the experience level that these programs can be utilized. There is no need for someone who’s reached the level of 18, 19, or 20 to be still relying on the Federal government for free food and weapons. By the Federal government handing out these products, we are reducing our economic growth in the private sector and raising the price of lower quality products that hurt lower level players who have not been contacted by these government organizations.

The Republican Party also discourages handouts in similar fashion to the “Operation Monkey Business” a few months ago. Promotions like these hurt domestic businesses and raise prices by taking competition out of the market. We must remember that nothing is truly free in both real life and elife.

Our party is welcoming to all. We support players from back in beta to newly born citizens. We have a diverse membership which includes original Republicans like loftedraptor and SVV to newcomers like deejster and Brickwall. If you’re interested in our party just click here and be sure to sign up on ourparty forums. Also check out our IRC Channel which is #eRepublican.