The Not-So-Great Wall of China: Liaoning

Day 761, 18:49 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

That's right, ladies and gentlemen!

Peace, prosperity, freedom, and happiness have struck what is perhaps the biggest blow of this war to the enemy. Despite having a wall of more than 1.2 million points, the US, China, and our mobile allies who moved in for the battle, managed to bring the wall down by more than 1.5 million points despite concentrated enemy counterattacks.

EDEN has triumphed and dealt a crippling blow to the enemy nation of Iran. For far too long, Iran has occupied large parts of Pakistan, India, and China. They've held many regions since before the fall of ATLANTIS. Now they know that their so-called allies in PHEONIX can't save them from our efforts to free Asia.

Oppression, you've been put on notice. eAmerica is here to kick some butt and take some names. So far, we've excelled at both.

China, we salute you! It's taken some time, but we've honored our commitments. The eUS pays its debts.


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
"Who watches the watchers?"