The new TOP 5 = The age of trolls

Day 3,375, 13:45 Published in Romania Hungary by kisborok

Dear eRepublik Citizens!

If you see this article, it is top 1 (in Hungary) but not because the content, votes or endorse.
Because of my more than 100 deleted comments. 😃

The old top 5 only containen articles what got votes from different players. 1 players can only vote once.
But the new system allows you to become comment god and bring articles to top 1 what you want. You just need to comment enough.
I will do here too, to feel my power. 😛

(I wanted to show to admins that the comments should not count that much. On forum a player said already: )

Please admins, fix the top 5 list of the main page. 😒