The new (old) BCP forum

Day 1,457, 10:12 Published in Belgium Egypt by A Vegan

I would like to invite all BCP members to participate in our private forum.
You can find it here.
Because of security issues the BCP forum has moved to (update your bookmarks!)

The BCP is a team! Join us in making eBe a better and more social place.

Every member will have an equal voice.
To start we will have a vote about our forum administrators. Feel free to nominate someone or put your own candidacy on the forum.

At the forum we will also decide (together) who gets what function in our party.

If you want to run for congress we want to hear from you on the BCP forum. Only active members will be endorsed.

Other left parties are welcome at our forum as well and if requested can even get their own private space. Never before eBelgium has been colored so red, this is our change to make eBe a real social place.

Together we can make a difference!