The Legend of the Great Ape! - A Tribute

Day 760, 15:59 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa
First things first, due to the timing of publication. It is very important that you make sure you are subscribed and following DoD orders here!

It is with great honor I present to you for the first time, the full-story...please vote this up for all to know.

The Great Ape was born into the New World on June 27th of the year 2009. Reportedly half-man, half-ape. With a rugged quality and an intelligent enough look in his eyes. He came into the light and brought with him a new era of eMan, eAnimal relations.

He started out eager to learn, as many young apes are. Curious and full of mischief

He quickly adapted to the foreign methods of eMan. Standing straight, without the typical stoop of his ancestors. Eating on plate with fork, knife and spoon (for the most part). Using a toilet like eMan instead of doo-dooing from tree limbs. Yes, he was turning into quite the little Hominid.

And before he knew it, he began having those...urges, that come with adolescence. Though due to his genetic background it took awhile to break his instinctual desire to forcefully mount or grab whatever, whenever he wanted.

Now becoming a young man-ape. With all the qualities of man, but still endowed with short patience and a sharp temper. He could often be seen throwing “things from his rectum” at whoever he disliked. And otherwise showing his dominance towards weaker mortals such as Mark Wahlberg.

Using his meaty Ape paws to pound PEACE untill it dissolved into Phoenix. He became a full-fledged Field Marshall. Battle hardened and wiser to the ways of the eWorld. As he progressed thru the months he showed his true colors of compassion.

Known to have donation lists longer than Emerick's purported RL rap-sheet. His dirty, Cheetos laced Ape prints can be seen all over the eRepublik. Ranging from running a Skill 0 job hub that provides work for new players. To being a supporter of Org's like The USA Welcoming Committee.

Handing out resources such as housing, food, weapons, gifts and even currency to those in need. Appearing some times as if he were a one-float parade, and every kids hand was out saying “gimme, gimme”...

Our path's crossed in the SEAL's. And I came to know him as a true boon to ST6. As the Quartermaster General, Head of Logistics and Supply Command , otherwise and commonly referred to as “The Chief Whipcracker.” He runs the SEAL Self Sufficiency program with dmgctrl(o7) operating behind the scenes.

Coordinating roughly 7 companies with approx. 65 SEAL employees constantly deploying. Daily requests might include: “fire me so I can go kill something you big lazy ape!?”, “what company do I work for blood sucker? I didn't read what you wrote properly and I'm too lazy to check,” or “wah, I need tickets! I'm stuck in Iran.”

Deserving far more credit than he gets. We all owe him for his tireless efforts and eager to help attitude. Whether you know him simply as The Great Ape, The Whipcracker, Colin or CoCo (where'd that one come from anyways? nm). He has touched us all in one way or another (whether we liked it or not!).

Here are just a few of the comments I received (feel free to skip if you have ADD):

Chocolate McSkittles - “In my opinion, Colin Lantrip is one of the unsung heroes of the eUSA. Working at the Welcoming Committee, I have personally seen the effect of many of his pro-eUSA efforts, such as his running a "skill 0 job hub" that he uses to help new players get on their feet. He might not be a "household name", but in my opinion that only makes his efforts towards building the eUSA that much more heroic. “

Speedcat McNasty - “I met Colin pre-SEAL Team 6 days when I was just an noob dummy starting up a Weapons Company and he helped me out with discounted Iron along with some great eRep business advice! So as soon as I had the chance to run ST6 and discussed starting up our self sufficiency program Colin Lantrip's name was the first and only that came to mind. Seeing as how he's a natural slave driver and a self proclaimed s&m sexual dominate I figured he'd work best if left alone, so I just closed the quartermasters door and let him do whatever needed to be done to get us rocking in the right direction as long as it didn't get too loud and good results keep coming from it... I won't ever care!
In all honesty Colin is and has been an integral part of SEAL Team 6's efficiency and rise to being one of the most feared private militias in all of the eWorld!
May all your whips and chains always be sharp and shiny, Happy Birthday my friend!”

Josh Frost - “Colin Lantrip is one of those few people that go above and beyond the call of duty. The work he has done with the SEALS has been incredible. Any new player that wants to emulate somebody should follow Colin closely.”

Clemens65 - “Well what can I say about Colin? ...His favorite phrase is "message the org". Truthfully, SEAL Team 6 would be lost without all his hard work running our companies and passing out moving tickets. Thanks Colin.”

Sleeve - “Co-Co is the best! I have no way to repay him for being so Awesome that I simply find myself working for him for free!”

Max McFarland 2 - “Some of Colin's Accomplishments outside ST6:
1. Colin personally donated 5,000 RMU of Wood to McFarland Hospitals. This is enough RMU for one Q5 Hospital. The first Q5 Hospital we install in the eUSA will break ground as the Great Ape Memorial Hospital.
2. Colin runs the organization Great Ape Training. The eUSA has three training hubs for skill zero workers that supply the demand. ligtreb runs Fort Harlot Weapons for the manufacturing sector, I run McFarland Homework Assignments for the constructions sector, and Colin runs Great Ape Iron for the land sector. As I do, he runs his operation with private funds. He knows the full value of these organizations. Earlier this year, Fort Harlot Weapons had a brief moment of financial crisis. Colin joined me, unsolicited, in donating $500 USD each to Fort Harlot Weapons to help keep things running while the financial issue was worked out.
3. Whenever enemy nations engage in economic warfare with trap companies, Colin activates multiple skill zero companies with massive job offers, displaying names & icons warning new citizens away from the trap companies, and also messaging many of them. He single-handedly does more to fight trap companies than any other private or government effort.
4. Colin uses personal funds to support many new citizens, moving them out of the wasteland, gifting them up to fighting wellness, etc. I love seeing someone so active in these efforts as a one-person-show; no government financial support or teams of assistants. I see his name crop up consistently in shouts and bio articles giving thanks for help in the early stages of a new citizen's life. He understands that the greatest combat multiplier in the game that any of us can offer is to retain and develop new citizens.
5. Colin is always on the lookout to learn more about the game, and is always willing to listen and learn without any arrogance. This is something I admire this trait in him. Too many of us are far too sure of ourselves to risk changing our minds.
6. Colin is active in politics from a functionalist and pragmatist perspective, focused on economic utility. This is a good trait, since the strength of our economy is fundamental to our ability to wage war. He does this without seeking political aggrandizement himself.
7. Colin is humble. While we both engage in most of the activities listed above, in addition to each having many of our own side projects, he does so from behind the scenes. My face is constantly plastered on the ad space, my newspaper has over 2k subscribers, and I have over 3k citizens on my friends list. I am a glory hound. He works from behind many organizations and the Great Ape persona. He cares about results and does not care who gets the credit.”

James Skyrider - “Colin Lantrip is one of the most generous people I have met on this game and is probably one of the most under appreciated people involved in ST6. He has put alot of time and effort into the Seals Self Sufficiency program and has spent a lot of his own gold to help many individuals and ST6 as a whole. Simply put, Colin Lantrip kicks ass!”

dmgctrl - “My first in game friend and employer. STILL my employer... you got me out of Arizona the day after I signed up for this game, when it was under attack.... brought me to Florida where I STILL live and work with you... You are selfless and hard working, I owe you immensely. Thank you for EVERYTHING you have done... I ashamed to say that all I have done for you is tell you what rofl means! A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Your friend - dmgctrl
PS - thanks for all the donations over the months!”


If you would like to donate to his skill 0 job hub, please do so here:

Where will this story go from here? No one can say for sure. But if you happen to see a large shape running thru the woods and swinging thru trees beating a hairy chest. Don't be afraid, be reassured...knowing that The Legend of the Great Ape continues!

Colin Lantrip

With deep gratitude and great appreciation. We truly thank you for all you have done. And continue to do.

Happy Birthday,


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