The Lady snags a US beach condo

Day 554, 11:27 Published in USA South Africa by Ines Schumacher

Now that the dust around the eSA PTO has settled, I thought I'd add my R2.50 to the smelting pot of opinions and hot air.

I am not speaking as eSA's vice-president or as the BLF party president. This is my personal opinion. That's why I'm publishing it in my newly renamed personal newspaper.

I want to set a couple of things straight. The BLF is always expected to shut up and smile at the other parties since our behaviour is termed divisive. But when the opposition slams us its considered fair criticism. That is not on.

Frankly, I find the attitude of some FA and UL members disgusting. Please note I am not calling the whole of the parties' attitude disgusting. I know noone who speaks officially for the parties is guilty of anything I am about to say.

First, let's start with the FA members. They are all talk and no action. They do not see their own faults, all they do is criticise other people (mostly BLF members). News flash: we are all guilty in losing our country. Congressional elections are individual parties fighting for seats in congress, it has nothing to do with government, but yet it got involved to help. Now, how is it BLF's fault that we lost our country?

It was me who even before I'd officially won the party presidency organised the MSN meeting (with the help of eSA intelligence minister and fellow BLF member Steven Bosch) where all the party presidents agreed on a congressional election strategy.

But FA didn't keep to the plan, did they? No. The PP mosied off for most of a week, leaving the said eSA intelligence minister to run the show after it had turned out the plan was already falling apart at the FA headquarters, which by the way merrily invited a suspected PEACE agent into the party forum's inner sanctum. I'm not implying Ronell is a PEACE agent, I am merely pointing out that at the time she was granted access, we didn't know her from a slice of cheese.

OK, so some of you will now be thinking: hold on, Lady! It was BLF's government that started the resistance wars against eIndo in the first place. And here is my response: who was standing at the side lines cheering? Who was egging us on? Who supported us? That's right. FA. And only when things went wrong is there a cry of distress and FA members saying they were all against it in the first place. Get real.

Now let's move on to UL. Here I talk of 2 people who are so similar it's actually scary. The infamous Ryan Dagari and Con Dingo. Ryan, stop telling everyone you told us so. Cause as Siroe already pointed out, you really didn't. The Lib room is off no better if you throw your hands up in the air and refuse to contribute without being molly-coddled first. Your ideas are valuable, just share them without pre-conditions.

Con Dingo, your turn now. And I think Steven said it all with his comment on your latest article: the PTO succeeded because people like you were selfish. In your example, you switched parties just to gain a seat in congress even though you could have been one of our reliable dummy candidates.

It is no help criticising the past actions of government. Just get over it and offer your help in a nice way rather than a condescending way. And make no mistake: you are not the smartest in the Smartie pack.

Through all of this, BLF members have (mostly) been holding their tongue. But I will speak out now: how dare you disparage all of our hard work? How dare you criticise our decisions when you have made none of your own?

Here is my accusation and I stand by it: none of you big mouths have the guts to stand up and actually do something. And don’t complain about not getting a chance, real leaders stand up and create chances!

Now I don’t want to stand on my soap box and moan about everyone else without acknowledging my own faults. First of all, here’s what I did do: I sent over 200 messages in a one week period. I organised the BLF candidate list down to a tee. Unfortunately, we had a lack of reliable candidates in our lists and so some ended up not placing their candidature. A bug in the eRep system prevented me from switching candidates.

But the real threat lay not in our own party, but in the PTO party. I see now that my planning was too meticulous. And there is such a thing. I allocated votes to people to the very last one. I underestimated the number of votes necessary to get eSouth Africans into congress. I wasn’t flexible enough.

And as PP I am also responsible for Mr Breakfast, Luc Praetor. He got so many votes that could have been used for other candidates. I do not know how I could have avoided this apart from increased communication.

Yes, my talk may be considered divisive and I have no doubt many of you will jump down my throat in the comments section (don’t disappoint me!). I want you to see it as constructive. Please identify parts of your own behaviour that have been wrong as I have identified mine.

Better to get it all out of the way now and stand unified once the time is right.

Gabriel needs our support now, not our ill-wishes. Please support him now and offer your help on the national forums. Your government is working tirelessly to get eSA back and you can help with our plan.

Thank you to all the citizens of eUSA for being such a friendly host nation, allowing us to work, bitch and plot here. Also thanks for letting us publish our newspapers in your local media. Our thin cheap little editions are nothing compared to your large glossy publications, but then again we cater to a niche market...

Amandla awethu!
Power to the people!

~ Ines Schumacher