The eleventh day in Vojvodina

Day 3,542, 11:34 Published in Brazil Norway by Ashavard
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My Lord, I am sure I can save this country, and no one else can.
- William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham

As a first attempt to write in English here, this article is more likely to come out as a humble draft. For this very reason, I heartily offer my apologies in advance for eventual grammar mistakes. Nonetheless, the subject which we today propose to discuss is of highest importance, once it deals with the mighty eSerbia and some of its internal issues, which often affect the whole eWorld.

Yesterday (3541), many of you might have noticed that an outstanding war, whose main goal consisted of the reintroduction of the dictatorship, took place in the Serbian capital. The remarkable amount of damage points made the rain fall like chains of fire shattering the skies of Vojvodina.

The conflict put an end to the government of the President Free Area, elected (46.70% or 517 votes) with the help of the following parties: Srpski Narodni Front, Ujedinjena eSrbija, Akcioni Pokret, Demokratska Stranka Srpske, NOVA eSrbija, Jugoslovenska Levica and Vojvodjanski Pokret.

The President, despite having been elected on the 5th of July, only could be duly invested in the presidential office and its powers and functions after that successful Democratic War ten days ago, when the Revolution Bonus amounted to 2.7 x. If the reader seeks access to more informations regarding that Democratic War, then he/she must click here.

In order to cast light on those recent events, this newspaper contacted some of the major figures who joined the conflict, on both sides.

Dio Maximus, when asked about the contrast between the previous victory and the recent defeat of the democratic forces, answere😛

"Well, we managed to win, simply put, as you have noticed because the army pretty much doesn't support the government. Every coup that was started was won because the army in its entirety is pretty much strongly in the 'dictatorship'' side. This is a military takeover, just like before. The politician's side manages to win only through high determination or as you noticed outside help combined. Last time they promised Chileans and Argentinians that Serbia will leave South America so they tanked hard in our coup and were helped by determination. In any other case, they don't have any chances".

He also uttered his reasons to support the dictatorship and fight against the former President Free Area in very clear statements, and I quote him once again:

"Reasons are numerous. Making deals with the enemy, stealing from the treasury for years, last two occasions were Destroyer91 term and yet again in Free Area term, around 300-400k is missing as well. They haven't even attempted to find or give back money Destroyer stole, and stole money again. Haven't kept the finances in check and updated, so we are sure money is missing yet again, just don't know who stole it for sure in Free Area's government. As only Free Area had access as we're aware, it was him. So as you can see, President stealing money is something we cannot allow. Also, he threatened allies, insulted pretty much the entire military and a big part of the community, so adding everything, the coup was the only option. Using state funds to defend in the coup is something that isn't allowed as well, and he set combat orders in the coup, wasting Serbian taxpayer money to defend his own chair".

TheKralj, awarded with the Campaign Hero medal, highlighted, among his reasons, the existence of multi accounts at the disposal of his oppositors: "I am against any shape or form of democracy which involves creating multi-accounts, theft of national resources, incapable leadership and above all pathological psychopaths".

A particular feature of the war that has drawn our attention is that, in comparison with the previous conflict, there was a low participation of foreigners backing the democratic forces.

Dio Maximus: "Why foreigners haven't supported the democratic side, well I can't know for sure, but probably has something to do with Free Area promising Argentina freedom, and not delivering as the army doesn't follow his orders of pulling back from South America".

TheKralj: "I can only assume that was because it has been made clear to them, that unless they want the same to happen to their countries, they should not interfere in our civil war. But I can't say for sure".

Furthermore, the current crisis in South America led us to ask the players if the Dictatorial Serbia plans to keep their expansionist policies.

Dio Maximus: "I wouldn't call the policies of Serbia, expansionist, in Argentina, we are on a punitive expedition. In other places, we are getting resources and dealing with Croats before they can attempt to cause any harm to us [...] I call it punitive for a number of reasons. When Argentina left Asteria, the VyC Arg crew pretty much did everything to create the situation to leave. They sabotaged the Argentine government by helping Argentina get evicted from German colonies. After they left they allied Turkey, Croatia, Chile and other enemies and continuously sabotaged our allies and attacked Serbia, while we haven't attacked them or actually did anything against them.".

On the other hand, this article wouldn't be able to provide a full coverage of the Serbian Civil War without taking into consideration the thoughts and opinions of the supporters of democracy.

Ugac replied to our question on the low participation of foreign allies and the gap between the damage rates in the following terms: "This time we did not force friends and people to shoot, we did not want to waste our time".

Dio Hostilian went into details and adde😛 "We didn't want to bother with this coup. The MTO terrorists have more damage because all of them have packages and, while the vast majority of people doesn't support them, without packages it is nearly impossible to defend against them. While there was democracy, they've constantly blocked the donations by making fake donation laws, so the country wasn't even able to operate normally".

Dio Hostilian and Ugac were also most emphatic about the reasons why they fight against the dictatorship in eSerbia.

The former sai😛 "Because they have absolutely no legitimacy, they MTOed the country, they are so in love with themselves, they never hear any advice (that's the main reason why every s+thole was better in the resource war than eSerbia) and nobody likes them except for themselves. [...] I think they are MTO narcissists just like they were before.".

And the latter: "There are many reasons, above all, Serbs have always been a free people, and Serbs will not be enslaved. And then there comes the dictators stealing money from taxes and buying themselves packages that are all over the head and is not fair to other citizens. It's a team that steals money for your own needs".

However, as the reader can easily guess, the end of this clash is not even near. The possibility of new uprisings shines through Ugac's words:

"I see that they are starting to buy packages again because they are afraid of democracies and nations. Democracy will undoubtedly win in the end and nothing will remain of the dictator. We must not stop, because behind us stands 70% of citizens who show us trust. We will fight the dictatorship until it is destroyed forever as long as it lasts".

With utmost sincere thoughtfulness towards our readers,


*This newspaper was allowed to quote the answers and comments given by the interviewed players. Not even a single word was distorted or had its spelling and meaning changed.