The eIRP Party issues.

Day 698, 16:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Dear all citizens of eIreland.

I am writing this article to inform you that the one ironically named Padraig_Pearse has left our party (thanks be to god) He won the recent PP elections, but over the next few days Padraig changed the party oreintation to far left when its meant to be far right. Resigned as PP leaving an unactive member in charge and just made our party look bad.

Luckily the active members on the forums rose up through this crisis and have appointed me orangejuicemmm as the replacement for the time being untill the next election. We have set into motion a list of objectives we plan to do as quickly as possible.

I would just like to say that all not all members are like PP in fact none are, They are all great assets to eireland and this party and if you would so kindly change your view of this party as the Party which Padraig_Pearse started as he has left and we will never accept him back.

This may not seem as a crisis rest of you but it is too us, and i will try my hardest to make it right. At the moment we need all the active members we can get so if any of the two clicking members of this party would like to help please register on our forums.

As Biffo3000 so greatly put "We will recover to be bigger and better than ever and this is a challenge which will make us stronger as a whole."

We will rise again, We will become better, We will become stronger, WE WILL BE REBORN

Thank you all