The CvP Moving Forward!

Day 571, 21:53 Published in USA USA by Hekter

Welcome to the first article of 'Constructing the Future', coming from the office of Hekter, incoming CvP Party Whip [and current acting Party Whip].

We, as CvP members, are reaching an important moment of progress. The change of power from the ever-present Desertfalcon to the up-and-coming Mattoze5 is an exciting one indeed. I have been in this game a little over a month, and yet in that short time, I've been able to establish a role for myself within the party and a personal relationship with many of the members [Incoming Chief Technical Officer, Jaxon, and Angelini, incoming Party Recruiter, being special mentions] and Mattoze5 himself, something I think would be harder to do in a less dedicated party.

I can personally say that Mattoze5 is a breath of totally fresh air. A complete change from the laissez-faire management style of DF. Matt is always prevelant on the forums and the party IRC, and in addition to that, is continually exploring new technologies to bring the party closer together and become greatly more efficient, such as him actually physically speaking to us via a webcam, which I feel is a very large step forward, especially for sparking interest.

The key to being effective in eRepublik is to be active, and on top of that, intelligence and the desire for progress. Matt has all of thse qualities, and I am greatly excited to see where he will take the CvP in the next few months. I've had a great time serving with him already, and he's not even the PP yet!

I apologize if this article is not entirely coherent--I'm writing this very, very late after a long day of traveling over 1000 miles. I just really felt I should get this out.