The Best for South Africa!!!!

Day 429, 14:16 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

The time is near again my fellow friends and eSouth Africans. The elections for Congress are close at hand. I will not be running for congress. It’s not because I do not love my ecountry. It because I love my ecountry I do not run. There are people here who have stayed in eS.A during the good times and the bad. They have fought for you, they have fought to keep what is left of eS.A free.

One of those I speak of is Rico Suave. Rico has given his time to eS.A. He has put his own personal advancement to one side for the betterment of this ecountry. He has never fled in the face of political enemy, financial crisis or foreign invasion. He is a long time ecitzen of eS.A as well as a steadfast friend to her.
Here is my question to you. I have come back to eSouth Africa for elections, as I always do. Not for the 5 gold I could receive if I were elected to congress, but to help make her a better place for all. The question is will you help make her a better place? If answer “yes” to that question then I suggest good folk that you vote RICO SAUVE for the NORTH-WEST.