Thank You Canada!

Day 4,367, 22:57 Published in Canada Canada by MAS.

Thank you Canada,

I mean everyone of you, each one of you contribute to the fabric of our Commonwealth in your own way. That is what makes Canada very significant for it's size, we all pitch in whether fighting on the ground, in the air, producing goods in business, holding office in politics or taking a roll in our diplomacy.

For all your contributions made my job easier. First time round has been a learning process, and I have expanded my knowledge base and there is more to learn. I would also like give a special thanks to my administration members

Prime Minister, TemujinBC
Minister of Defense, Exalted Druid
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thedillpickl
Governor, Mann551
Minister of Education, chopp dks
Special Adviser to the President, Jax J. Teller

I look forward to an opportunity to serve as President again.

Don't Eat the Yellow Snow