TFS in Endorsement Shocker

Day 1,475, 14:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Anyone who reads our noble paper regularly may have gotten the impression we are distinctly unimpressed by the selection of candidates for this month's presidential election.

In one sense you were right. Here at the FS bunker, we were struggling to decide who to endorse.

But one of them has grown on us.

We are jumping on the Team Thomas Bandwagon

1) He is an idealist! He finally created some much needed dividing lines in eUK politics with his radical policy of developing greater economic ties with allied states. This bold move could transform the nation!

2) He has finally proven he is not the 'boring candidate' by performing a coup on the Bobloist Church and then giving it back. This showed he is both radical and benevolent. Fine qualities in a leader!

3) We are at WAR! In a previous Dish term, he lost to France. If you can't make France surrender how will you get through the alcoholic IRA lunatics that are attacking London as we speak!

4) He has shown he understands the whims and wants of the public by naming five BBHers in the cabinet.

5) Team Thomas may not have the panache of Team Temujin, but it sure is cooler in the alliteration stakes than the Dish Detachment and the Mittekemuis Mob

6) The only plausible reason that Dish would want to be President yet again must be that he has gone mad with power and therefore has sinister motives. Perhaps he plans to kick puppies and eat babies?

7) And finally, Thomas is a known fan of Titansmash the Goldfish.

Were you shocked by this shocker???
Are you on the bandwagon?
Do you support the radical Thomasist policies of Team Thomas?
Do you want a benevolent leader?
What is the best alliteration in eUK politics?
Give us your thoughts?