Taxing Surveys and Labear Day Weekend

Day 2,110, 21:27 Published in Canada Spain by Wilfie

Hello there boys, babes, and bears:

eCanada has become much more active in the past week as I read through the media and check out the newly re-activated forums. It came as quite a nice surprise to come across all the stuff listed in there as I took a bit of time to click around and get familiar with what’s happening in the Parliament area where Congress meets (bit of a mixed metaphor there, if you ask me).

In this article, I’d like to present the results of my last survey, introduce a new one, and then discuss what went on in Congress the last few days and what could be done in the days ahead. Sounds like too much, but I’ve got little to say on most of it so I expect it will go quickly.

The last survey:
I’m sorry to say that we were down 30% on the number of respondents for this survey over the last one. 9 people replied and the results were a bit mixed for 3 questions, but one was quite definite, so I will be acting on that one primarily in the days ahead.

Question 1: Now that the Work Tax has been changed to 1%, do you want other taxes adjusted?

77.78% (7) of respondents said “Yes”
22.22% (2) of the respondents said “No”

While this may seem conclusive, there are still many types of taxes to adjust and many directions they can be adjusted in. The next question aims to find direction in that variety of directions.

Question 2: If you answered “Yes” to Question 1, what tax would you like to see adjusted and to what % level?

-Lower lvl of tax for food and wep

-Everything as low as possible.

-VAT Food 15%

-Import Taxes could be lowered some, maybe lower the 10% rate we have now to 7% or 5%.

-i'd see income tax increased a couple %. Canada needs income now that MU funding can start back up.

-It's more like (eventually) I want to play around with taxes in attempts to maximize revenue, now that eCan is recently liberated, the economy still needs to stabilize. I see the 1% Work Tax as a necessary quick and easy temporary fix rather than one that will generate sufficient revenues for MU funding, Merc funds, reserve cc, MPP, etc.

-Well, I would like the MoF team to compare some levels, but to be brutally honest, not much needs to be changed in terms of taxes now. Most buy where ever it is cheap, or some like me are lazy and buy Canadian regardless. If we could see some of the data first that'd be beneficial in relation to the input/output.

The general trend in the feedback is to lower taxes. A couple indicated higher taxes, yet I’ve decided to pursue lower taxes based on the results of the survey. These will be my following goals:
-Food 5% VAT and 5% Import
-Weapons 5% VAT and 5% Import

This is the only conclusive thing I have come up with so far as a Congress member. There are a few more details to cover ahead, yet these are more like me feeling around in the dark as I search for a direction. Nevertheless, let’s give it a go.

Question 3: What needs to be done by Congress to help new players?
There arent much new players, so what ever they do,its good.

-Lead by example. Work together and get shit done this time.

-Lots of communication of goals, plans, needs

-Create a favorable economic climate and encourage political discussion that gets new players involved and interested in the game.

-Reform the Boomers Academy.

-money money money. enough for q2 weps and q2 food

-Get Hazmat into congress 😉 We definitely need a eBaby program, if we grow our future then maybe we don't have to be in a 8 month occupation again

-I don't think Congress alone is responsible for helping new players, but the general community is. This area tends to be an initiative that individuals, groups (political or MUs) or Executives might set up.

-Not much, eCanada as a whole is pretty good for new players, if we could develop a plan for a babyboom or something, that could have potential

Those were some great responses and quite a variety of them. I’m going to respond to them with a shotgun approach so please follow along. The first two a good inspirational ones, more like a general slap on the back for the team. Creating a favourable economic climate sounds like a good goal, too, but I simply have no idea how to put that into action (something specific might help…maybe lower taxes at 5%?). Boomers Academy sounds intriguing. I will google it and see what a Congressman can do to get it going. Money! Yes, of course, but how? Hazmat can be done next month. eBaby program? I’m game. Where do I donate to the eBank? So Congress isn’t responsible to help new players…well that gets me off the hook (when I’m not acting as part of the community, of course). Finally, leaving things as they are…this is likely what I will do because the subject appears beyond my grasp.

Question 4: Follow-up question about the "Other Issues" What's up with Canada's interest in America and the Pats?

-Since America is our close country, maybe we feel we should have our "back" closec and focus "in front"...

-I have zero interest in America

-I dunno, you tell me

-America's interests should be our interests, they are our only "in" into an alliance right now and even that is sketchy. Hopefully relations improve. -Auk Rest

-America = US?

-A while back America called for help from Canadians offering attractive citizenship offerings without any politics involved, the only thing was they had to vote against the AFA because of a "Serbian PTO."

-Not sure, I think our main issue is re-building for now

-RE: Pats-- Canadians are everywhere and want to come home. RE: Americans-- Bromance.

-Well America used to be our bro and we had a bromance 😛 Then they elected Evry and we elected Rylde, just ask around to see how that worked out😉 Hopefully we can return to that level of "bromancing"

Perhaps a bad chosen question or a tough topic. I don’t feel any more enlightened on either discussed. While in Congress, I plan to ignore or just pay little attention to matters about the US and the Ex-Pats. These are things I just don’t get at this point, and it appears others have limited interest in them, too.

Congress has been active voting on several proposals in the game, from donating funds to Spain to approving alliances with other countries. Only the attempted impeachment of the president had some problems and I read that Pat Harper will be reprimanded for disobeying the laws. One small thing, I never had to know about these laws until days after I was elected into Congress. It might be better for new Congress members to of them sooner somehow. Maybe such a prior indoctrination of Congress rules would have helped Pat avoid his problem.

Other things being discussed are the removal of the Ambassadors and repaying our debts. So far I am supporting both measures because nothing to convince me of the contrary has been posted. We need to even out the books post-occupation and cutting the Ambassadors may be one way to reign in expenses.

To wrap up: I learned only a little with these last two surveys. The only goal I have to come out of them is to research about Boomers and look into lower taxes to 5%. I’m going to throw out one last survey for you to try over the Labour Day Weekend in Canada. Maybe more of you will have a little free time to respond. Thanks!

Click here for survey on tax reductions:

Also, one last thing…I will be away for the long weekend. I’ve asked a good friend to help as an account sitter while I am away. She can vote on any important laws that are proposed and even keep track of stuff in Congress to help when I get back. Bear has played many online games in the past and we’ve shared in helping out the other, so we trust each other implicitly. In fact, Bear did look over my surveys a bit, too, and would like to learn more of eRepublik in case he decides to join later. No need to worry about Bear, she’s a great gal, or rather, bruin. Send along any messages over the weekend if you want and Bear will give them consideration until I get back.

Have a great long weekend everybody and don’t forget to check out my latest survey. It’s short and sweet…much like summer. *sigh*