Taiwan/USA Trade Proposal 台灣/美國換地提案

Day 1,108, 13:28 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) USA by Jefferson Lincoln

Hello my fellow Taiwanese. As most of you know the admin has blessed us with new resources. Unfortunately we were only given the resources of fish and rubber. Also many of you are aware that our Congress has been discussing possibly swapping or renting regions with one of our neighbors to help boost Taiwan’s economy and increase our diplomatic relations. I am here today to inform you on the benefits and different scenarios that are possible with a region swap with the United States of America.


As I stated before Taiwan currently has the resources of fish and rubber. These are the only two resources that the United States does not have. Our neighbor, the USA region of Hawaii, and it’s neighbor, the region of California, have the resources of fruit and grain. These are resources that our country can use to expand it’s economic base and encourage citizens to invest capital in Taiwan.

上面已提到台灣這次拿到了魚和橡膠,這兩個都是美國(本來)沒有的。東台灣緊接夏威夷的水果(Hawaii),而夏威夷又接著加州的麥(California)。 這兩個資源都可以刺激台灣經濟和增加投資。

Some of you may be wondering as to why the United States would want to give up two of it’s own regions in exchange for two of Taiwan’s regions. Well as you can see from the pictures above the United States is plentiful in both fruit and grain. To be specific they contain thirteen regions of fruit and nine regions of grain.

From my understanding having more than one region of the same resource is almost pointless now that all regions are considered to be high in their particular resource. It would be very beneficial to the United States to allow Taiwan to trade two of it’s regions for new resources.
讀到這裡,大家大概會想問說,為什麼US會想跟台灣二地換二地。大家可以看上圖,美國其實一點也不缺水果和麥 (13水果園和9塊麥田)。照我的了解,在新的資源系統下,每塊原料地都可算是高資源,而重複多的資源也沒有太大意義。美國跟台灣換地其時是很有利的。

How exactly would a swap be carried out between the United States and Taiwan? That’s a very good question my friends. First the United States would ceremonially have to attack Eastern Taiwan because it borders with the United States’s Hawaii and take the region over. Then the United States would have to attack Southern Taiwan and take it over to allow Taiwan to temporarily retake Eastern Taiwan to create a bridge to attack Hawaii and put it in Taiwan’s sovereignty. Lastly the United States would launch an attack to retake Eastern Taiwan because that is the region which hold rubber and Taiwan would attack California which holds grain.


This is what the final result would be on the world map.

As you can see in the two pictures above, the United States would control half of the Taiwan Island with holding the territories of Eastern and Southern and Taiwan. We would have sovereignty over the Hawaiian Island along with the American region of California giving us a region and fruit and a region in grain. This would also strengthen our national security as we would be protected by the United States as they and their allies would hold almost all regions that border us.

For this act to be carried out we would have to wait for the MPP with the USA to expire so that the region swapping does not automatically cancel it. I think with the equal trade of resources between the two countries a financial transaction would not be necessary between the two nations.
Although I’m sure that some penalty would be set in place if either country broke the written agreement. Lastly this plan could also help strengthen our relations with other countries. It would open us up for an alliance with Mainland China or maybe the Philippians.

I am hopeful that as a Taiwanese Congressman I can present this plan both countries and that an agreement can be made. Really the only possible issue I can see here is the act of swapping regions as the admin eliminated the retreat button. However with proper communication this can be accomplished.