Some things you should know about the Republican Party

Day 996, 08:41 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

I would like to clear a few things up about the Republican Party.

First we do not support Pizza The Hut at all. I made the mistake of making him my party Vice President a long time ago and it was a huge mistake. Now our party is rebelling against Pizza The Hut and we wish that you do not PTO us. Our current party president Josh Whitehead violated our party charter by not even holding a vote or discussion with the party membership on appointing Pizza The Hut as our CP nominee. He has been stripped of his admin status on our party forums and does not represent the views of the Republican Party.

I also ask that you do not PTO us. Take for example "Reagan Smash". Sure you all destroyed the party but what good came out of it? All active members just relocated to another party. Personally I think Pizza became stronger that day because he used the destruction of our party as a tool to gain more support. Giving Pizza more power my allowing him to sway some of our more inactive citizens opinions will not help our cause.

If you look at our party forums you will see that our active members do not support Pizza The Hut or any of his allies whatsoever. You will also see that Pizza is becoming more hostile towards our members and even more hostile towards me (which I take as a compliment). I ask that you support our party endorsed candidate as any other candidate will be viewed as a PTO threat to the Republican Party.

We both have a common goal of making Pizza The Hut leave the Republican Party. So let's both work together to run this rogue member out of the party I love so much.

Richard Nixon II
Fmr. Republican PP