So...Was it Worth It?

Day 1,399, 18:06 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Are we the champions of the world? Or are we the losers who have convinced ourselves that we won regardless of what happened after London?

I sure do enjoy that scene

By the time many of you read this, it will be the 20th of September. It is a special day for me, as it marks my 3rd eBirthday. Yes, I'm an old fart (but I'm not here to talk about that). Being that old means I have experienced all of the ups and downs of our relationship with the eUK. I joined the game before we had even joined Atlantis, which was the alliance that came before EDEN. When we joined Atlantis, we became true allies with the Brits.

Now I hate their guts and I am incredibly happy to have seen London burn beneath our feet. But it came at a cost. Following the complete chaos of the battle of London, we lost both Alaska and Minnesota. That means we lost a grand total of 40% off our production bonuses. It's a high price to pay for the takeover of a region that holds no strategic value that we lost control of the next day.

So why did we do it? Why would we spend endless amounts of CAD, tanks, food, and gold taking a region with no strategic value?

For fun.

This is a game. eCanada is, generally speaking, a place of complete dullness. Once or twice a year we go on the attack, only to be beaten back every single time. It always happens in the same way too. We attack the redcoats. We make early gains and press onwards to London. We lose a battle. The eUK pushes us out of their lands. We are back where we started. I was sick of it. Everyone was sick of it. It sucked the life out of the game.

So we finally had a chance to take London. We could've just stayed away. We could've tried for peace with the UK or just not gotten into a war at all. Maybe we should've continued in Asia. But we didn't. Instead we pushed into the UK. We pushed on to London.

And we got our revenge.

Was it logical to risk our economic bonuses in Alaska and Minnesota to capture London? No. Was it strategical? No. There was no good reason other than to say we did it. I'm usually a logical person who wouldn't agree to something like this, but it had to be done. I donated thousands of dollars worth of tanks and food as well as donating tens of thousands of CAD to help us win the battle. Normally I wouldn't do such a thing. Normally I wouldn't throw half of my savings and all my tanks away, but this was different.

The redcoats deserved it. And they will always deserve it. Any sort of ridiculous venture into eUK territory is good in my books. It always will be. And not just because they've backstabbed us. Not just because there's nothing I love more than killing redcoats. Not just because Ireland needs our help every now and then.

But because its about time we had some fun.

Sure, it sucks we produce less. Sure, it sucks we lost London the day after we took it. But we play this game too conservatively. Between our annual conquest wars, the country starts hating itself. Arguments break out. President after president after president get impeached. Plain and simple, eCanada sucks when we aren't at war.

So why can't we just start playing for fun? I don't know about you, but that London battle was the most fun I've had for awhile. Let's keep stuff like that going.

I Stand Ready to Kill Redcoats.


Also, I'm running for congress in Saskatchewan again under EPIC. Want to vote for me but you're in another region? Just send me a message and I'll cover your travelling costs.