So sad.....

Day 1,595, 08:19 Published in Greece Greece by The Odysseus

Althought i had a Croatian C/S at that time i was one of those who were against the braking of our aliance with Bulgaria.
I wasn't a member of any government (and i'll never be one) so i had no influence, after all this was a Bulgarian decision only.

Initially i decided not to fight against Bulgaria but when i saddenly saw actions like this of Flausino and some others regarding the Greek flag and some hevy insults by some of them in article comments i changed my mind.

Unfortunatelly the situation is going worst since as i notice today the Bulgarians prefer to loose their original territories from the Turks providing no resistance. and at the same time they fight against Greece everywhere with unbelievable passion and spending of money.

What is going on old friends Bulgarians ?
As we know you left EDEN because of the Turks, now what?
Is this behavior of yours an indication that you hate Greeks more than you hate the Turks.?
I have fight for Bulgaria, i have spend money fighting for Bulgaria(other Greeks have spend much more) and i feel very disapointed by this attitude.
i don't give a damn about this game since i know very well that you can win for sometime but sooner or later the opposite side will rise again and put you down. That's what this game is all about.

All i have to say is that i feel so sad to see long time allies which i have fight for in so many occasions, to behave like this.

And don't forget.