SFP Liberation News -- Celebrate!

Day 5,044, 08:20 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party
To our...
Fellow Citizens!
Allied Soldiers!
International Comrades!
To All Those Who Love Freedom and Solidarity!


In recent months, everyday scenes of everyday life in the good ol' e-US of e-A have shifted our perspective. We've swum in the blood and soaked up gory sights like this. Street fighting has shaken us from our slumber from sea to shining sea.

Once, in the not so long ago, on a fine sunny Summer afternoon, we'd relax in the comforting shade of a willow tree, savoring the dulcet tingling sounds of the approaching ice cream truck. Hearing the tinkle of a good ol' Labor song like "The Union Maid", we'd watch with delight as the neighborhood children would look up from their yard work, anticipating the cool taste of an orange creamsicle or a Hoodie cup they could buy with the nickle they'd earned.

Oh Lord. How our lives changed this summer, eh?. Week after week, instead of ice cream drenched evenings watching the fireflies while the kids played "kick the can", we learned to enjoy instead...

- the pleasing crack of sharpshooters picking off Croat cops,
- the exquisite explosion of a sabotaged Hungarian supply depot,
- the strategic thrill of messing up a Turkish training war halfway around the e-world.

Because we refused to surrender.

And you know what? It was a gas. Really. Kinda fun.

Sure, it was challenging. Like. We had to move factories to Poland. Jesus. Poland. A country where the alphabet resembles the real one, but -- probably to confuse the damn Germans and Russians -- it also includes various forms of spaghetti or something. And then, if you can unwind all the weird spelling, there's the bizarre prononuciation that rivals both English and Gaelic for mind-numbingly bizarre WTF moments.

Oh yes. We suffered. It was a long hard-fought campaign.

And surely, at one time or another, didn't we all mourn for the occupation of Ohio?

But we never surrendered.

Resistance fighters of all descriptions, from every party and militia, banded together to drive out the occupying Rompers and their messy minions.

We fought them in every corner of Emerick's Decrepit Kingdom the Glorious Peoples Homeland.

We fought them in the alleyways of Austin. Where we defended weird Willy's weed supplies from the greedy paws of the scurrilous sober rapscallions.

We fought them in the hollers of Kentucky, where we hid our ancient stills and cases of bourbon deep down in the mines so the goldurned colonizing revenooers could never find 'em.

We fought them on the Jersey Shore, under the boardwalk, and down by the sea. Yeah.

We fought them in the Bad Lands, caught in a cross fire that we didn't understand. Unh-hunh.

And we fought them in the California surf, where we thought we'd be gone for the summer.

And we never, never surrendered.

And so, friends. Isn't it time for a little dancing in the streets? Yeah. Let's....


In the wilde and kerrrrr-azy spirit of life-affirming freedom and solidarity that characterizes the Socialist Freedom Party and its friends and fellow travelers, we are pleased to announce that we're kicking off a month-long street party!

Everybody is encouraged to participate.

To celebrate LIBERATION and to help avoid falling into some sorry state of CREPITATION, your friends and comrades at the SFP are running out some fun little contests. Which is to say, we're giving away prizes all month long!

Is that some cool freedom-socialism or WHAT!?!?! I'm telling yiz...

To kick things off, this week we'll be awarding Peoples Participation Trophies.

All you have to do is respond to this article in the comments and -- amazing grace how sweet the sound!! -- a sweet prize will soon be winging its way to you!

There's' a few easy-to-color-within lines for winning a Peoples Participation Prize...

- Feel free to comment as often as you like. But only one prize per participant. Unless your additional comments are super-amazing. Then who knows. Maybe you'll get showered with prizes.

- Post an ACTUAL comment. With words. Doesn't have to be epic poetry, ground-breaking philosophy. But please. Let's have a word-party, friends! Effortless wallflower emoticon grunts -- nah. Not that. Actual words. Get up. Stand up. Type a little. Say something to your dance partners.

- Finally. Shouldn't even need to say so, right? But.. keep it clean. If the words you choose to comment are just empty angry bile -- you know what I mean like racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, SFP-bashing -- then, sorry, no yummy socialist soup for you!

International Press Round-up

From an Irish point of view, here's a rather interesting in-depth analysis of recent game changes dealing especially with the establishment of extra protection points available to the bigger tanks and some speculation on ensuing repercussions.

Geopolitical Analysis of the Changes

For a considerably abbreviated analysis, check this Spanish take on it:

Countryballs of Protection

Finally. In case, like your devoted SFP Minister of Culture, you might've been thinking that all the beauty and fine human sentiment had vanished from this game world, check out this heartfelt post from Argentina. Those of you who don't read Spanish take the time to run it through a translator:

En tu lecho de muerte

Hey. Why not join the Socialist Freedom Party ...and find out what the scintillating anarcho-socialist hullabaloo is all about. You'll be glad you did!