Second Time's the Charm

Day 918, 12:18 Published in India United Kingdom by Devoid

Let's try this again: I hereby declare my candidacy for the Presidency of India!

don't I look sharp?

As you probably know, I ran last month, but due to PTO threats I stood aside to ensure that the PTOers would not win. And sure enough, so many votes were cast that if I had stayed in and split the Indian vote, we would have lost. And we would have been buried.

But this time, I shall not stand aside. I've spent the last few months in all sorts of eIndian government roles, from Minister of Foreign Affairs to Vice-FCoI head, to Anti-PTO coordinator. I am more than ready to lead, and with your support I shall do so.

"Tell us about your policies", they say!

Foreign Policy

Well, things sure have changed in a month. For one thing, we're considering asking for Karnataka back. For another, while we are still menaced by Serbia and Iran, they have begun to extend the hand of friendship. In the Congressional elections that just happened, neither country's showed a PTO presence. Also, we declared war on Pakistan a couple days ago.

As for Pakistan, I say the war is overdue. They played an integral part in allowing Serbia and Iran to attack and threaten us. They may claim they had no choice, but this is not true. In World War 3, many countries died in defense of their friends. This would have been truly honorable for them to do, if indeed these countries were going to attack them at all. Perhaps after this invasion, we can move toward friendship between our two countries.

The other two points are related. We have lately been somewhat aligned with EDEN/US - look at our MPPs and look who holds Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. But this could change. I cannot publicly tell you what action I will take on this issue, but I can assure you that whichever course will be for the long-term benefit of India, and with the advisement of other prominent Indian leaders. Many Indians want all Indian land back under our control. Now, demanding Karnataka back may damage our relations with the US, plus we will not make as much gold using it as renting it. But would the moral benefits from having a "whole India" outweigh this? Perhaps. Perhaps we might even benefit more from renting it to another nation. In the end, it is our land, and thus it is our decision.

Raising the flag over Karachi

Economics and Taxation

Want to read a whole bunch of detailed numbers and stuff? Well good, because I don't want to write it. I'll keep it short.

Due to the fact that they apply to everybody who at least two-clicks, income taxes should be our main source of tax revenue. Putting higher taxes on consumption, such as with VATs, would disproportionately burden our active players, which is the last thing we want to do.

Also, import taxes need to come down. We have all this wonderful wood (and perhaps iron soon...?), and the more of that we can create the more we can export. Few countries have high wood, giving us a major economic advantage, and much wealth if fully exploited. However, we have few workers. Every new player who goes into manufacturing is a wasted opportunity. Let foreign companies supply a significant chunk of our manufactured stuff. They'll do so more cheaply, which will increasing purchasing power for all Indians. And we'll have resources freed up to do what India can really do well. far more on this topic in my previous economic article, linked at the bottom of this article

Oh by the way, we need a budget. We don't have one, and that's just sad.

I just love that rupees are also Zelda money

Internal Affairs

Now here's an important department that doesn't get quite enough attention. At this point we do not have a strong enough program to reach out to new players, and work to ensure they know how to play this game (and help them where they mess up), and turn them into active, contributing members of India. This will be a priority.

Anti-PTO efforts also fall under this department. The threat may be diminished as a result of friendlier relations with Serbia and Iran. Or then again, with certain newer threat, it may not be. Great job to Saket and Jelen securing things during the past Congressional elections.

And one more very important aspect of this department: Expansion. We are a small country, and until we get more people, there's only so much we will be capable of. I don't claim to have the solution to get us a baby boom. But I bet someone does. I bet if we all work together, we can figure something out. I will call for a dedicated expansion forum, and budget-permitting will set gold aside to aid in this very important goal.



I'm not going to tell the military how to run its business, but there is one thing I want to focus on. If we can afford it, I want to send our military on more foreign missions to help our allies. We may be small and only have so much damage to offer, but it will be great for relations. And perhaps these friends will remember that we helped them, when we come under attack and require their help.

Good Governance

One other topic to address. We may be small and have a limited pool of people to get involved in our government, but that doesn't mean we can't expect more out of our elected officials. Last month, we failed to print money, leading to this article. This truly displayed the lack of communication between our leadership and Congress, and it must change. And then it took us a couple days to even find a proposal to donate the money. I assumed that our Congress was just inactive and we simply didn't have the proposals. And then on the two days before elections, we had TWELVE dummy proposals for XP. Clearly something is wrong here. We can do better, and we must.

With your help, my fellow Indians, I will establish a strong and efficient government. I will secure our borders against enemies of India, by whatever means necessary. I will set forth an economic policy for the greater long-term prosperity of India. I will take whatever steps necessary for us to hopefully finally achieve that baby boom we've been waiting so long for.

Leadership for a New Era of Indian Prosperity

P.S. If you want to read more in-depth about some of the things I bought up, feel free to check out my 3 articles from last month. Much of the information there will still be the same.

Declaration of Candidacy
Foreign Policy
Economic & Tax

P.P.S. Anything you want to ask me or talk about? Send me an in-game mail, or catch me on IRC, in #India on I will respond to all.