SEAL Team 6 Never Quits ~ Over One Year Strong!!!

Day 1,084, 22:17 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa
Show some love by voting, shouting and supporting our efforts!

First off I want to officially offer my belated Happy Birthday to ST6. We hit our first year anniversary early last month which was never properly acknowledged and celebrated.

Many thanks to Frost for creating the sexy SEALs, providing a place for us to come together, kick ass in an organized and effective way while maintaining a chill environment. Respect and gratitude is also due to each and every one of the roughly 500 people that have walked through our doors.

For those that are new to eRep, take the short bus to school or live in a hole, SEAL Team 6 is a paramilitary organization founded by Josh Frost over a year ago to fight PEACE/PHOENIX aggression.

Our original goal and primary purpose of returning PEACE/PHOENIX occupied regions to their original owners via RWs has since broadened to include a larger and more versatile area of military activity.

Private, elite, internationally recognized and respected.

You know us as a well established paramilitary with a long and proud mission history.

We've weathered the storms of change and proven we are here to stay. Adapting to changes, overcoming adversity and always ready..

We welcome citizens from any party, background or friendly nation. Indeed appreciating our diversity, along with the varied experience and knowledge it brings.

SEAL Team 6 is currently recruiting! If you would like to be a part of the team, feel free to apply today~

Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and we will respond as soon as we get a chance. While naturally we appreciate our heavy hitters, we happily provide a place for active, motivated younger players as well. The only real requirements are a good attitude, participation and the desire to not only maim your enemy, but finish them off with a kill 😉

We tend to have a limited number of openings at any given time, so get in while you fit in and fill out this application form now.

Instead of me trying to explain the dynamics of ST6, please read what members themselves have appreciated about the experience:

"camaraderie, respect and efficiency"

"The SEAL community is I think what keeps a lot of us playing..."

"There is always someone on irc that knows something interesting going on, militarily, politically, economically, or socially."

"I love the real life and eRepublik communication and support."

"I think the best part about being a SEAL is the relaxed but focused nature that everyone takes. The SEALs see Erepublik for exactly what it is: a game. Everyone in ST6 wants to win, but they want to win while also having a good time."

"Good communication between officers and their members, and the ease of working in the communes "

"The atmosphere of the SEALs is amazing. All the members are awesome and fun."

"Having been a member of several militias, I appreciate the organizational skills of the ST6 leaders."

"The interaction and friendships that Ive made since joining the SEALs. Its great to be part of TEAM and get a sense of accomplishment that does not come with just being a two clicker. Its always great to know that you've played an important role in shaping the eWorld, and ST6 achieves that every time it deploys."

"It adds a new dimension to the game. Being with a group who has common goal and that is to make sure the good guys win."

"The only people I trust in the entire game are a handful of seals. We may not be perfect, but the ones I trust have honor."

"I like irc a lot because we can get to know each other a bit more, and I like the forums, even though I'm not a prolific poster. I like making friends with people who are into what I am into, i.e. ST6. And I just like the idea that ST6 exists and we are all together in this great organization."

"Community and all standing up together"

"Social aspect, kicking Penix ass with a plan!"

"I don't kiss and tell."

"We get the choice assignments. We know when and where to hit and we know each other so we not only feel the victory for ourselves but for all our SEAL bros. When I see another SEAL fly by pounding the wall or see him get another medal or even when one of them gets a seat in Congress or eMarried, I get to share that. When I hit a milestone they share that too. There's nothing like hearing their shouts that day you finally hit Field Marshal!! EDEN's all the same team, and all Americans are too, but trust me, it's not the same thing as *really* being part of a unit like this."

SEAL Team 6 is almost entirely Self Funded and to say that overhead runs high is an understatement. Just do the math. We operate a group of companies staffed by ST6 members to offset some of our deployment supply costs, though it isn't nearly enough. We still rely on private donations and a relatively small stipend from the eUS government to keep us floating.

We previously offered several membership options, due to game changes and unpredictability associated with costs we chose to simplify for the time being. They may be brought back once the game stabilizes and we can accurately predict our needs/costs better. Therefore we currently ask members to work at an ST6 company in return for training and deployment weapons, tickets when moving and food for fighting.

* In certain rare occasions we do allow members to still take part and self-fund, requesting a small monthly donation.

Now is the time. If you are looking to get more out of the game, to travel, fight for the oppressed, help our allies, advance and be part of a unique world recognized team.

Fill out this application for review.

Or PM me if you have questions first...

"De oppresso liber"

Respectfully and at your service,

Julian Mizu
Commanding Officer SEAL Team 6

If you are unable to become a team member, but still would like to contribute to our efforts, please consider making a donation if you have the means. We truly need the help right now in upgrading our weapons companies to maximize our combined capabilities. Or simply voting, shouting and sharing is much appreciated.

For those of you that found that tl;dr, just vote for this and click the link to apply now!