Running for Congress

Day 514, 21:53 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

I have been wondering if I should run for Congress or not these past few days. I have asked around and my friends, Siroe and Jizzie and a few others reckon I should give it a go. It's not my first time at running for Congress. I ran in the past once and made it into office.

After my term was over, I went abroad overseas . I did this because after the attempted TO of eSA by "The Party" I saw that eSA did not have anyone with military experience. For the first three months I fought overseas at my own cost along with Black8shadow who at the time had similar thoughts about the lack of experience in the military in eSA. I/we fought against the e Indonesians at every chance we had. Once the eSA Para's were formed I joined them and fought at the side of many of our current soldiers.

I'm still a Para now and my first commitment is to defend our lands and to attempt to regain the rest of our beloved homeland back. I hope that we can do this peacefully first without war and bloodshed. A company has been created to supply weapons to the people of eSA in case of war. I have donated gold to this cause as I think that all eSouth Africans should be able to defend themselves if we are invaded.

I also support eSAHC. I believe that all young eSouth Africans should have free medical care. To be able to improve their well being helps improve the well being of us all. It provides better workout put which increases a better financial outlook for our ecountry . One of my first bills I will attempt to be passing in congress is to obtain the money to keep eSAHC afloat.
I ask the good folks of the Free State to vote for me on the day. If you should need to approach me about matters of concern or anything you think is important to you or eSA, please feel free to do so.
I believe in a strong eSA. I believe in a healthy eSA. I believe in eSA. So please vote me, Kiwifire1 for congress.

Thank you