Richard Nixon II would like to apply for the party president position

Day 1,029, 12:49 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln
Note: Darrel Anderson 2 won the official primary. However I am the official in-game candidate because of some technical issues. Darrel Anderson 2 will hold all executive power in the party if I am elected. Although I wish Darrel was the in-game candidate, this is a nice slap in the face to Pizza.

Perhaps some theme music?

I am here today to announce my candidacy for President of the Conservative Party. As you already know rogue politician Pizza The Hut PTO'd what was then the Republican Party. Our mission this election is to take it back. We cannot allow this enemy of the state to continue to control the sixth largest party in America. If it wasn't for admin intervention during election day, Pizza would have been able to get seats into Congress.

Many of you know that I have tangled with Pizza in the past. I too was deceived by his Conservative ways in my earlier life. It has been my personal goal to see him defeated. I will not stop until my goal is achieved. We cannot let this glob of food stay in power. Pizza The Hut must be defeated!

"It is time for the great majority of Americans, to stand up and be counted"

Richard Nixon II