Review of the current situation of the eWorld on the day of 2,328

Day 2,328, 15:39 Published in Ireland Belgium by crosoldier2013

Hello dear readers

In today's article I will give a brief review of the current situation in the eWorld

We'll start from Ireland

Ireland currently has 14 regions. In central Europe, Ireland is waging war on two fronts, against Austria, where Ireland army occupied 6 of the 7 regions and Slovenia, where they won the region Strya and Carinthia. Also, Ireland has all the original region. Ireland has signed a mutual protection pact with Poland, Croatian, Indonesia, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania and Chile.

Slovenia now have 9 regions. They have a mutual protection pact with France, Peru, Argentina, China, Canada, Greece, Bolivia, Norway, Taiwan, Iran, Colombia, Portugal, Romania, Belarus, Hungary, Sweden, Finland and Serbia.

War Finland-United Kingdom
United Kingdom currently have 13 regions. They have a mutual protection pact with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Indonesia, Poland, Brazil, Ukraine, USA, Albania, Mexico, Venezuela and Croatian.

Finland currently has 8 regions. They have mutual protection pact with China, Sweden, Norway, Greece, Romania, Argentina, Peru, Slovenia and Serbia.

Germany has 5 regions. They have a mutual protection pact with Lithuania, Meskikom, Poland, Spain, Croatian, Bulgaria, Latvia, Chile, Turkey, Macedonia, UK, Albania, Estonia, Ireland, Indonesia and Russia.

Sweden has 8 regions and have a mutual protection pact with China, Finland, France, Peru, Taiwan, Romania, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Argentina, Portugal, Colombia, Australia, Slovenia and Norway.

Belgium has all the original region and have a mutual protection pact with Venezuela, Poland and Macedonia. The Dutch have two regions.

Poland a few days ago successfully liberated several Ukrainian regions that are occupied by Romanians. Poland has bonuses 100% food + 100% wep.

Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia have a mutual pact of mutual protection. Latvia is waging war with Belarus.

Western Europe
In Western Europe, the situation looks like this, French original regions are occupied by the USA and Chile. Chile has voted ''NO'' on Slovenia. Spain and Portugal for now keeps its original region. Portugal is waging war with Venezuela.

Italians now have eight regions, three region in southern Italy were in French possession. Hungary has 12 regions, of which 5 Croatian. Hungary currently waging war against Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was a few days ago successfully liberated several original regions which were occupied by Serbs. Montenegro has all the original region and the Serbs were a few days ago delete Albanians from Europe. Switzerland has one region.

Bulgaria and Romania concluded a non-aggression pact.Bulgaria has 14 regions, a few days ago are delete Moldova. Romania has all the original region.

Greece via Egypt and Saudi Arabia comes to bonuses and currently have a 80% wep + 80% food. Cyprus has wiped Israel off the map. Turkey now seems quite stable. Those over Iran and Saudi Arabia come to bonus 100% food + 80% wep. Bosnia and Herzegovina holds some regions of the UAE, there is also their ally Albania, which has one region.

Pakistan has one region. Croatia currently holds 9 Indian region.

China has bonuses 100% food + 100% wep, and Russia 60% food + 60% wep.

Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Colombia and the Philippines

In Australia, the current situation look like this. Currently, it is divided into three parts, Indonesia, Macedonia and Chile. New Zealand has one region.

In South Africa the situation looks like this.

South America
Argenitina has bonuses 100% food + 100% wep. Argentina and Chile have a non-aggression pact. There are also Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and Colombia. Brasil is deleted from the map.

North America
USA has bonuses 100% food + 100% wep. They currently hold the entire Canada and half the French region. Mexico looks like this.