Presidential Elections!

Day 770, 13:02 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

As everyone is well aware, the time for presidential elections is fast approaching, which means it's almost time for the party primary! In the next few days, we will be getting the primary up and running, and then distributing voting information to party members.

However, before we can do that, I need to know who the candidates running for election are. As of right now, the only candidate who has informed me that he wishes to gain the CvP endorsement is the current President, Jewitt. Anyone else wishing to run had better get their act together and let me know, or he'll be unopposed.

At the Convention, the Council laid out some new rules for CP candidates to follow, and I am posting them here for the public record. These rules will be enforced for the January 5th election, so pay attention.

I know some people may think its unfair that I am forcing CP candidates to come here for their information, as if there is something wrong with making them do a little work to get elected. However, the way I see it, if you are serious about being CP, you need to able to contact people, especially the people who are in charge of endorsements for your election. If you don't contact the party president, well then, you don't deserve our support.

The rules are as follows:

1. Anyone wishing to run for CP must contact the Party President or duly designated representative concerning their desire to run for CP.
2. Any prospective candidate must be prepared to offer a short, unofficial platform of their goals and reason for running.
3. To appear on the ballot of the party primary, a candidate must be vetted and approved by the Party Council. Any candidate denied access to the primary ballot may inquire as to the reasoning by contacting the Party President. A rejected candidate may request an appeal to the Council by providing a counterargument for the reasons as to the initial denial.

I hope to hear from candidates soon, because we must close the primary no later than January 2nd!
