Predsjednik HR, TanGe - Četvrto obraćanje - 22.7.2015.

Day 2,801, 12:53 Published in Croatia Croatia by Predsjednik eHrvatske

[ENG below]
Pozdrav drage eHrvatice i eHrvati, te prijatelji eHrvatske,

ovim člankom želio bih se zahvaliti svima koji su na bilo koji način pomogli da se ovaj neprijateljski pokušaj uvođenja diktature odbaci i obrani. Hvala svima koji su neumorno tenkali cijelu bitku, pogotovo ekipi koja je krvarila prve 3 epic runde protiv Asterije, a bilo je i tenkova iz FYROM, Bugarske, Brazila.. Posebno hvala svim saveznicima koji su odmah prešli u naše MU i neumorno tenkali. Hvala svima koji su donirali za CO, koji su donirali wepa itd. Hvala ekipi koja je stavljala CO cijelu bitku.

A sada par riječi u bitci i diktatoru.

Još noć prije samog pokušaja diktature dobili smo info o tome, vjerovali ili ne upravo od vlade jedne članice saveza Asterija, i nisam uopće reagirao na to. Zatim su mi počele stizati poruke sa svih strana da je prijetnja stvarno ozbiljna. Ja sam tu večer bio odsutan zbog RL obveza, ali sam javio svojoj vladi preko mobitela, te zapovjednicima u kružnoj poruci, vlada je obavjestila kongres i tako. Čak smo mislili podignuti diktaturu prije njih, ali prekasno.

Prve 3 runde su bile teške, na suprotnoj strani velik broj tenkova + veliki CO. Navodno iza svega, u prvom redu, stoje Ameri, koji su većinu novca za rat i CO financirali, zatim zemlje Asterije i drugi neprijatelji Hrvatske, kao što su FYROM, Bugarska, Brazil itd. Hrvatska ima svoje saveznike i prijatelje koji su tenkali za nas i bez CO.

Ali suprotna stana je izdržala samo 3 runde, "koliko para, toliko muzike". Ovaj neuspješan pokušaj dikature ih je koštao oko 2M cc, dok smo mi potrošili znatno manje. Potrošeno je ukupno 500k cc, a donacijama prikupljeno oko 250k cc.


Hello my dear eCroats, and friends of eCroatia

With this article i want to express my sincerest thanks to all who in any way aided against this attempt at enforcing a foreign and enemy funded Dictatorship, aka MTO.
Great thanks to all who tirelessly tanked the whole campaign, and a special thanks to our friends and brothers that bled in the first 3 epic round against Assteria and other enemies like FYROM, Bulgaria, Brasil...
Also thanks to our allies who immediately joined our MUs, thanks to all who aided with funds for CO, who donated weapons etc., thanks to the ones who put COs the whole campaign.

And now a few words about the battle and the “dictator”

The night before the very coup we received word from an Assteria government member, believe it or not, that a coup was coming our way, but i decided not to react, as i deemed it not serious a threat. Then, however, started the messages, numerous messages from all sides that the threat was, in fact, real. But due to RL issues i was absent that evening, but maintained contact with my Cabinet and MU commanders. The Cabinet in turn informed congress etc. There was also a plan to preemptively start a coup, but that came too late.

The first 3 rounds were brutal, on the opposing side there were many tanks + massive CO.
From what we managed to find out, this was mostly funded by Americans, i.e. for the very coup and the CO, and also by other Assteria countries and, ofc, enemies of eCroatia FYROM, Bulgaria, Brasil..
eCroatia, on the other hand, still has friends who tank without CO.

The serious part only lasted 3 rounds, as you only get what you pay for. And the attempt cost them circa 2M CC, whereas we spent a whole lot less - 500k, from what 250k was gathered via donations that very day.

Again thanks to all who were there for us, we wont forget it!

Vaš CP, TanGe.