Pre Publication

Day 1,410, 14:28 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,946 of the new world
March 19th 2013
Current Subscribers to Paper: 239
Article Features
Nice try MoJo
Be Nice
Theme Music

It's a little late but...
A couple of weeks ago Bucephalus92 wrote a fantastic article about the media module. He wrote down a lot of things that I and most likely others have thought for quite some time. I find myself stumbling across less new and inspired writers that thoroughly entertain me.

Where am I going with this? I'm begging you to check the latest section for new articles. There are plenty of new players writing articles regularly, but they're not getting the exposure they need to have a thriving newspaper.

So here is my challenge to you: Shout at least one article from a newspaper with less than 100 subs per day. As I'm writing this, 29 articles have been written in the past 24 hours in the USA. 14 of them have 15 votes or less. I'm not saying you have to read all of them, but if you find yourself wanting to read something new, check it out. I have 149 subscriptions

One thing I've been trying to do that you can as well is encourage new players to write. Just today, a new player asked me how to make a newspaper. I am searching for the next PencilPal, the next levif92. Don't you remember them? 🙁
Now onto this MU competition. I find it to be a great idea, but I need your help. The US currently has 5 MUs in the top 50 internationally. This is good. However, a 6th MU, Praetorian Guards, is on the verge of becoming top 50. Please donate a day to this cause. With enough help, we can get six MUs in the top 50. That would be terrific.