PP Elections March 2012

Day 1,576, 01:25 Published in Belgium Belgium by BrunoCND

Hi eBelgians,

For the next PP elections, I asked the candidates to introduce themselves and explain their goals for our party. And this to give you a better opinion of them during your visit to the polls.


My first aim was to give the party members a choice between at least two candidates. Until now there's only jofroi and even it he's an experienced erepublikplayer, he should not elected by default, but in a democratic progress, what requires at least one other candidate. Further, as i said, jofroi is a very experienced player, but sometimes it's good to have a change, to have the influence of new ideas. I'm aware of the fact, that i'm very new to the game and that i'm not that experienced.
So if i will be elected i'm not going to do everything in a different way, but keep the lines of communication with the party members and the former party leaders open.
I also see a deficit in communication of the ideas and goals of ATO to the people. If we want to enlarge our influence to eBelgium, we first have to find out ourselves what makes ATO different especially from Res Belgica.


As PP I'll not work actively to promote ATO but I'll make sure that we have a rightful president.

For the people who don't know me, I'd advice them to read my wiki page or just read the forum😁: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Jofroi


He didn’t answered.

Do the good choice when you’ll vote. 😉

Long life for Belgium!!

Bruno Cnudde
The Belgian Voice's Chief-Editor