Portuguese Embassy

Day 1,544, 10:43 Published in Norway Norway by Gameiro101

Hello my friends I'm the new ambassador of Portugal on this beautifully country.

I'm in eNorway since 4 of January, i came here to help against th PTO, and decided to stay, so i was invited to become Portuguese ambassador in eNorway.

This is new CP of Portugal and is team:

President - Justino

Vice-President - Lucifel / AlIister

State Counsellor: Portvcalem

Minister of Defence- rb3592
Vice-minister - pinhas7

Team: Nuno 'Primo' Duque, Rafael Isaque, csc11, Thomas Vasconcelos, ZeNaifas, vvaz, AlIister, riclas, DariomgSilva, DaniDR, leal9001, MithrasReloaded, eGo Topo, slayra, reguengos1276.

MoD Counsellor: Janad0

Minister of Finances
- csc11
Team: JoseDurao, Lucas Oliveira, elvimonte, Telmo Cadavez

MoFA - S.Ribeiro
Vice-minister: Valkirya Vala
Team: CaioMario, Leal9001

Minister of Social Development - Bitorino
Team: MarkStray, Xestruz, VULTOR

Minister of the Interior and Communication - S.Ribeiro, EinsteinCMPT
Team: blue69diamond, gu480

Some information about eportugal:

Portugal is a recent member of the EDEN alliance, that has eVenezuela territories under our domination for a few months. That away we eliminated One's influence in South America.

By having eVenezuela wiped we afford 60% bonus in weapons (Aluminium, Rubber and Oil) and 60% in food (Fruits, Fish and Grain). This way our economy is healthy and we are self-sufficient. We also have several governmental programs that help citizens building Q4 Raw Materials, in order to improve competition among raw sellers, and consequently valuing our currency.

We have been lucky in this field with excellent Country Presidents with phenomenal teams, except in the last month our President decided to stool our .org, but it was no big deal.
We can say that we are a bunch of lucky bastards.

Our community is formed for more a less 600 active players.
We have a very active community, and because of that we developed a social cabinet, that in order to entertain us organizes a championship with karaoke, pool and several other games.
We have also some brilliant journalists. We have the ex-EDEN's voice journalist S.Ribeiro, the Philosopher/Troll Julio de Matos, as well as the usual press trolls.

If you need any information/help you can send me an PM ingame ( http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5171586 ) or shout in The Norsk Fosvaret.

Best Regards,