Platform Plus CPI Stuff

Day 851, 15:00 Published in India United Kingdom by Devoid

I'll keep it short, because you don't want to watch me drone on.

I'm running for Congress!!!

I don't know precisely which region yet; I'll run where the ATO-planners tell me, to best benefit India and its security.

A short rundown of my positions:

Foreign Policy: India is proudly neutral at this time, a position which I support. Superalliances lead to unnecessary entanglement, unnecessary expense, and unnecessary whining. This does not mean that India should sit in a corner and just watch things go on in the world. India and Ireland have been forging a closer relationship; I support this, as the two have cooperated greatly for some time now. India and Iran have been forging a closer relationship; I do not support this, since Iran has until recently been a sworn enemy of India, and even now Iranians are attempting to PTO this country. The government may claim that they have no control over the PTOers, but I find this difficult to believe all things considered. Any talk of allying with Iran should be shelved until some time has passed, and Iran proves itself a friend of India.

We must protect this country first and foremost.

Taxes/Economics: Tax policy has been moving in a favorable direction lately. Low tariffs are good for the nation on the whole. Tariffs will force out exports, which can be seen to raise wages and benefit domestic companies; however, they also raise prices in a very significant way. I have a considerable amount of experience in this field, and I want to make it very clear that the increased prices will outpace any increases in wages or benefits to companies. Purchasing power will decline, making the whole nation poorer. That doesn't benefit anybody. Tariffs have fallen to 20% on most manufactured goods lately, and should fall further, to no higher than 10%, if not even lower. India has natural advantages due to its resources, and it is through exploiting these resources that India will prosper. Only so many countries can make wood. Any country can manufacture food. Import some food, export some wood, and India prospers.

Regarding the other taxes, all income taxes should be equal. This way the market will send workers and business owners toward the goods the market wants, putting India's limited resources to efficient use. VATs should all be fairly low, between 1-5%, as these are a tax on consumption, and consumption should be encouraged.

Other: The above two areas are my specialties. I don't claim to be an expert on military affairs, or recruitment. I will inform myself on the issues, take advisement from the experts in the fields, and opt toward what will benefit India the most.

Communist Party of India

Again, I'll keep it short. A couple things I want to discuss:

1) Congressional Elections: They're coming right up. Message me directly in the next couple days if you are interested in running, and we'll figure out the best action to take.

2) The Name: I've been thinking about changing the name, mainly because we don't support communist policies, because they don't work in this game. Message me or comment on this article with your thoughts.

Anything I missed? No? Freedom and prosperity, that's what it's about. Have a commie-kitty, and vote for me.