Pizza's Stance on Immigration

Day 1,024, 11:29 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

My friends I have something important to show you today. Pizza The Hut claims that he is the true Conservative leader in the eUnited States. However would a true conservative have such a weak stance on immigration?

A true Conservative would support strengthening our borders for the security of our nation. However according to his July and August 2010 POTUS campaigns it would show otherwise. Let's examine his second national goal for his would be presidency.

As you can clearly see from his platform Pizza greatly supports a open border policy where anyone can just stroll on in and be grated citizenship. This policy decision shows that Pizza The Hut is weak on his support for the security of our borders and keeping our citizens safe.

Let's also examine Pizza's citizenship requests while he was a Congressman. First off it should be known that Pizza The Hut did not approve of IES candidates but instead became a rogue Congressman and accepted citizenship requests whether immigration supported the request or not. Let's look at a few of the citizens Pizza requested.

You know maybe its just a weird coincidence but aren't they wearing Hungarian military uniforms?

Glenn Beck is disappointed in you Pizza.

Richard Nixon II
A true Conservative American