Pfeifferguns Coalition takes Congress by STROM

Day 3,297, 09:26 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.

This announcement is brought to you by massive ego stroking

Basically, we are winning.

As Party President of the USWP and Viceroy of the Federalists, founder of the Pfeifferguns Foundation, and all around Murican badass, it is with great pride that I present the Pfeifferguns Congressional Majority.

Pfeifferguns aligned parties took over 53% of the vote this month, once again securing a clear mandate to lead this country. On behalf of fingerguns and the rest of the Pfeifferguns team (it's really just us), thank you for your trust and support. We look forward to working for and with the American people to secure a brighter tomorrow for however many children fingerguns decides we're having.

The Pfeifferguns Foundation has, in consultation with various advisers and lobbyists, decided to install Tenshibo as Speaker of the House this month. So, prepare your butts, America, he's gonna swag all over you.

Also fingerguns is going to be President/Dicktator, but you already knew this.

I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday, I'll have an update out Thursday(ish) with some more exciting news for you all.

I remain,

Your obedient servant,

Prince of the United Kingdom
Last Scion of the Imperial House of Japan