Pennsylvania: the Keystone State

Day 730, 19:49 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Citizens of PA,

It's that time of year again! Last month I lost my Congressional reelection bid to an opponent who then shirked his every duty and failed to perform any services on behalf of the state of PA. Therefore, I'm back to retake my seat and once again propel PA to the forefront of eUS politics with my presence.

In short, I hope to see Congress remain a stable body of qualified individuals doing what they can to benefit the nation and propel us to the forefront of eRepublik. I won't lie to you and pretend I can get us a hospital (nobody can get hospitals and anyone who says otherwise is a bald-faced liar), or trick you with comments about making drastic changes to the nation to benefit PA. After all, after everything we've come through, I'd say we don't need too many drastic changes to increase our power.

The eUS has come this far, and we'll be here when the glorious admins shut down the servers of elife. Until then, I want to do my party to ensure that we remain at the top of our game.

So please, reelect me as the Congressman from PA.

CvP President
Presidential Vizier
Former 7-term PA Congressman